Interview with Vladik Makarov, Senior Marketing Manager, ZERO10


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Vlad Makarov, Senior Marketing Manager, ZERO10

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This is an exclusive interview with Vladik Makarov, Senior Marketing Manager, ZERO10.

Welcome, Vladik! Could you tell our readers a bit about yourself and your journey to becoming a Senior Marketing Manager?

Thanks for having me! I began my career as an e-commerce manager, where I got involved in a lot more than just marketing. I handled various processes and worked closely on the website, almost like a product manager. Working with well-known retail companies like Reima and L’Oréal gave me a solid foundation in the industry.

Currently, I’m deeply involved in marketing, communications, and PR. A couple of years ago, I realized I wanted to focus more on B2B digital marketing. I’m passionate about helping businesses connect and communicate effectively using online tools and strategies. It’s been an exciting journey, and I’m eager to keep growing in this field.

Your experience spans across various companies and projects. How has this diverse experience shaped your approach to digital marketing?

Working across various companies and projects has really broadened my perspective on digital marketing. Each experience taught me something new about different industries, audiences, and strategies. This diversity has made me adaptable and better at creating customized marketing plans that truly fit each situation. It also helped me appreciate the importance of clear communication and strong relationships in achieving marketing goals. Overall, these varied experiences have shaped me into a more flexible and effective marketer.

I’m excited to share what I’ve learned, and I hope that by sharing my experiences, I can help others in their own digital marketing journeys.

You mentioned using AI tools like ChatGPT for tasks like identifying fashion companies for campaigns. Can you elaborate on other creative ways you’ve incorporated AI into your marketing strategies and the impact it’s had?

Absolutely! Beyond using AI tools like ChatGPT to identify potential fashion companies for campaigns, I’ve found several other creative ways to incorporate AI into my marketing strategies. For example, I’ve used AI to analyze large amounts of customer data to understand patterns and preferences. This helps us create more personalized marketing messages that really resonate with our audience.

I’ve also leveraged AI for predictive analytics, which means we can anticipate market trends and customer needs before they happen. This allows us to stay one step ahead and tailor our strategies accordingly.

Using AI in these ways has made our marketing efforts more efficient and effective. It’s allowed us to make smarter decisions based on data, connect with our audience in meaningful ways, and ultimately have a bigger impact with our campaigns.

In your experience, what are some common misconceptions businesses have about leveraging AI in their marketing efforts, and how can they overcome these?

In my experience, a common misconception businesses have about using AI in marketing is that it’s a magic solution that will instantly fix all their challenges. Many think that just by adopting AI tools, they’ll automatically see huge improvements without putting in the necessary effort to understand and integrate these tools properly. But AI is like any other tool—it needs the right strategy and human insight to be effective.

Another misconception is the fear that AI will replace the human touch in marketing. While AI can handle data analysis and automate repetitive tasks, it can’t replicate human creativity and the ability to build genuine connections with customers. To overcome these misconceptions, businesses should educate themselves about what AI can and cannot do. It’s important to view AI as a way to enhance their marketing efforts, not replace the human element. By combining AI’s capabilities with human expertise, companies can create more effective and personalized marketing strategies.

You’ve highlighted the success of using free tools and LinkedIn Live events for generating leads and engagement. What advice would you give to marketers who are hesitant to invest time in these strategies?

I would advise marketers not to shy away from exploring practices from other industries when considering strategies like using free tools and hosting LinkedIn Live events. Often, the most innovative ideas come from unexpected places. Try to make your marketing communications more human and personalized, even if your niche is different. By doing so, you can create genuine connections with your audience that transcend industry boundaries. Don’t hesitate to experiment and adapt strategies that have proven successful elsewhere—you might be surprised by the results.

Building a strong online presence is crucial for any business. What are some of the biggest mistakes you see brands making on social media, and how can they improve their approach?

One big mistake brands make on social media is talking at people instead of with them. To improve, they should engage more authentically—after all, nobody wants to chat with a billboard!

You’ve emphasized the importance of a topic-focused approach over keyword stuffing for SEO. Can you share an example of a successful campaign where this strategy led to significant organic growth?

In one campaign, we created an in-depth piece. Instead of stuffing it with keywords, we focused on providing valuable, comprehensive information that addressed our audience’s real questions and concerns. We didn’t just give this big guide away freely; we promoted it as exclusive content through our email communications.

This approach engaged our subscribers on a deeper level and encouraged new sign-ups. People appreciated the depth and exclusivity of the content, which led to increased sharing and discussions. As a result, we saw significant organic growth in website traffic and built a stronger connection with our audience. Focusing on quality and relevance really paid off compared to traditional keyword-heavy strategies.

Measuring the effectiveness of your marketing efforts is key. What are some of your go-to metrics for evaluating the success of your campaigns, and why are they important to you?

When measuring the success of my marketing campaigns, I focus on a few key metrics. One of my go-to metrics is the conversion rate, which tells me how many people took the desired action—like making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. It’s a straightforward way to see if the campaign is resonating with the audience.

I also keep an eye on customer acquisition cost, which is basically how much we spend to gain a new customer. This helps me understand if our marketing efforts are cost-effective. Another important metric is engagement rates, such as clicks, shares, and comments on social media posts. These show how well our content is connecting with people.

These metrics are important to me because they provide clear insights into what’s working and what isn’t. They help me make informed decisions to improve future campaigns and ensure we’re reaching our goals efficiently.

Looking ahead, what emerging trends in digital marketing are you most excited about, and how do you plan to incorporate them into your future strategies?

I’m really excited about the rise of interactive and personalized content in digital marketing. Technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are becoming more accessible, allowing us to create immersive experiences that engage audiences in new ways. Imagine customers being able to virtually try out a product from their living room—that’s powerful.

I plan to incorporate these trends by exploring AR and VR in our campaigns to offer more engaging and personalized experiences. Additionally, I’m keeping an eye on the growing importance of voice search. With more people using voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, optimizing our content for voice search is essential. By staying on top of these trends, we can create strategies that not only reach our audience but also resonate with them in meaningful ways.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and expertise. Is there anything else you’d like to add?

Just that I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts. Stay curious, keep experimenting, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box—that’s where the best ideas often come from.

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