Featured Rank is a metric that ranks all accounts on Featured based on the quantity and quality of their media placements —essentially, how strong their digital presence is through authoritative coverage.
For example, if your account is ranked #390 on Featured Rank, that means your placements put you ahead of thousands of other accounts, but there’s still room to climb. The closer your Featured Rank is to #1, the stronger your placement profile is compared to others on the platform.
Currently, Featured Rank #1 belongs to an agency account with a robust client portfolio and numerous high-quality placements.
How to see your Featured Rank
To view your Featured Rank, log in to your Featured account and navigate to the Analytics page under the Admin section in the left-hand sidebar.
Why Featured Rank Matters
We envision Featured Rank as more than just a vanity metric. In the future, it will play a key role in how experts are showcased on Featured.com—especially in category rankings that journalists use to source trusted experts for their stories.
Having a high Featured Rank can improve your visibility, credibility, and likelihood of being selected for media opportunities.
Why did my Featured Rank drop if I haven’t lost any placements?
Featured Rank is a relative metric. Even if your media placements remain the same, other accounts may have gained more or higher-quality placements, causing your rank to shift downward.
Why did my Featured Rank drop even though my media placements are increasing?
While you may be gaining media placements, other accounts could be accumulating them at a faster rate or securing higher-quality placements, which can still lead to a drop in your relative ranking.
Why did my Featured Rank increase or drop significantly?
Featured Rank is more volatile toward the lower end of the scale, while top ranks are harder to climb. Only a few accounts have thousands of media placements, so moving from rank #50 to #10 requires significantly more effort.
On the other hand, lower ranks can shift quickly. Accounts at the bottom often have few or no placements. Earning even one placement can boost your Featured Rank past hundreds or thousands of accounts.
How to Improve Your Featured Rank
- Focus on quality placements: High-authority publications carry more weight.
- Submit consistently: More placements over time will naturally improve your rank.
- Leverage the Business Plan: Features like Pitch+ and PR Intelligence can help you secure higher-quality media opportunities.
Ready to climb the ranks? Start submitting more answers and secure stronger placements to improve your Featured Rank today!