What Are Some Public Relations Statistics That Are Interesting?


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What Are Some Public Relations Statistics That Are Interesting?

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What Are Some Public Relations Statistics That Are Interesting?

To shed light on the intriguing world of public relations, we asked seven professionals from the fields of business leadership and digital marketing to share one statistic they find most interesting. From the cornerstone of brand-consumer relationships being trust to the business imperative of crisis management, these experts provide a diverse range of insights. Dive into these seven fascinating perspectives to enhance your understanding of the PR landscape.

  • Trust: The Cornerstone of Brand-Consumer Relationships
  • Timing: Key to Effective Press Releases
  • Influencer Marketing: The New PR Phenomenon
  • Word-of-Mouth: Surpassing Traditional Advertising
  • Content Marketing: A Lead Generation Powerhouse
  • Press Releases: Longevity in the Spotlight
  • Crisis Management: A Business Imperative

Trust: The Cornerstone of Brand-Consumer Relationships

According to a study by Edelman, 74% of consumers around the world cite “trust in a brand” as the primary reason they choose to buy from a particular company. This statistic shows the immense impact of public relations on building and maintaining brand trust.

From personal experience, understanding the significance of trust in PR strategies can drive compelling narratives that resonate with audiences and ultimately foster stronger brand-consumer relationships.

Faizan KhanFaizan Khan
PR and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Timing: Key to Effective Press Releases

One statistic in public relations is that Thursday has been found to be the most effective day to submit a press release, with an average open rate of 26%. This insight, derived from an analysis of over 55,470 press releases by Prowly, highlights the significance of timing in PR efforts.

Surprisingly, Wednesdays and Fridays have lower open rates on average, with 15.33% and 14.81% respectively. Weekends are less fruitful, with open rates of 2.07% on Saturdays and 2.55% on Sundays.

This statistic stands out as it emphasizes the importance of choosing the right day to maximize the reach and impact of press releases.

Matias RodsevichMatias Rodsevich

Influencer Marketing: The New PR Phenomenon

One statistic that’s PR-tastically intriguing is the mind-boggling $5.1 billion spent on influencer marketing in 2020 (source: Business Insider). Now, why is this stat standing out like a flamingo in a penguin parade? Well, picture this: Influencers, those snazzy social media mavens, have become the rock stars of PR.

They sway opinions, dance with trends, and wield the power of “like” magic. In an era where authenticity reigns supreme, brands are clinking coins to collaborate with these charismatic online personalities.

It’s like having a cool friend casually flaunt your product to millions! The rise of influencer marketing, where PR meets pop culture, forging connections in the digital wonderland. It’s a PR phenomenon.

Himanshu SharmaHimanshu Sharma
CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Word-of-Mouth: Surpassing Traditional Advertising

Traditional advertising is dead. Well, even if it is a considerable straining of reality, there are some numbers to make such bold conclusions.

A survey found in Nielsen’s 2012 Reports and Insights revealed that 92% of consumers trust recommendations from individuals, even if they don’t know them personally, over traditional advertising.

This showcases the power of word-of-mouth recommendations in public relations. Influencers can significantly influence consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions.

The power of such marketing lies in that people making recommendations humanize brands and add a personal touch to their communication efforts. World-famous or not, such people become the face of the brand.

Rather than relying solely on direct advertising, which consumers may view with skepticism or tune out, real people’s recommendations create a sense of connection and relatability.

Nina PaczkaNina Paczka
Community Manager, Resume Now

Content Marketing: A Lead Generation Powerhouse

An interesting statistic I came across is from the Content Marketing Institute: “71% of B2B marketers use content marketing to generate leads.” (Source: Content Marketing Institute, 2020 B2B Content Marketing Report).

This statistic stands out as it underscores the vital role that content marketing, a subset of public relations, plays in lead generation. It illustrates that a significant majority of B2B marketers recognize the power of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and keep a clearly-defined audience.

It reaffirms the importance of my role as an SEO strategist in helping businesses optimize their content for better visibility and lead generation.

Lukasz ZeleznyLukasz Zelezny
SEO Consultant, SEO Consultant London

Press Releases: Longevity in the Spotlight

According to a 2021 press release from Cision (Source: PRNewswire), 30% of their users report that reporters have contacted them over six months after posting a press release. Most media goes away quickly. For instance, if you post an update to social media or some other type of feed, the content gets buried deep into the feed fast.

However, press releases, news articles, and well-written blog posts get indexed in search engines based on their content. The more well-written the post or release, the more “searchable” it will be.

So, a good public relations expert can help you craft the right message so that it has greater longevity in the spotlight.

Doug StaneartDoug Staneart
CEO, The Leaders Institute

Crisis Management: A Business Imperative

One statistic that piques my interest is that only 35% of businesses had a relevant crisis management plan before the Covid crisis (source: PwC Global Crisis Survey 2021). What’s striking about this statistic is its alignment with my experience.

When our tiny-home design business faced an unexpected materials shortage, it highlighted the critical role of crisis preparedness. Although we had devised a contingency plan to source alternative materials, the real-world test of our strategy was far from theoretical.

The experience underlined the stark difference between a well-rehearsed crisis management plan and the reality of an unforeseen situation. That’s why I’m now an advocate for iterative crisis planning, adapting to lessons learned on the ground.

M. Rizwan
M. Rizwan, Business Manager, Great Lakes Tiny Homes

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