How to Use Featured as a Publisher or Journalist


Featured connects subject-matter experts with top publishers to increase their exposure and create Q & A content.

15 min read

Woman discussing strategy with co-workers, pointing with pen at desk in modern office

© Image Provided by Featured

Table of Contents

Anyone looking to source expert quotes for their stories or receive ready-to-publish expert roundup articles for their site can sign up on Featured and request expert content – at no cost. 

Publishers and Journalists can request expert insight content by…

  • Signing up on Featured
  • Submitting questions for experts to respond to
  • Receiving expert Q&A content
  • Publishing and growing web traffic

Here’s how to get expert Q&A content:

  1. Make an account
  2. Verify your email (this is where we send you the quotes and articles)
  3. Request Quotes or Request a Q&A Article
  4. Receive the expert Q&A content
  5. Publish & Share the URL in Featured

Option #1: Request Quotes

(1) Enter Your Question (2) Receive and Select Quotes (3) Claim Quotes (4) Share Published URL – That’s it!


Step 1) Enter Your Question

Enter a question you want experts to submit a quote to. Quotes are limited to a 100 character minimum and a 2,500 character maximum (approximately 15-500 words) response. 

Enter a Question: Your question should be written so that it encourages experts to give a direct, quotable answer — not a pitch. Don’t know what questions to ask? See our Questions page or generate questions from keywords using our Free Content Strategy Generation tool

Deadline: The last day experts can submit quotes. You may select quotes and close the question before the deadline.

Publication URL: Where the quotes will be published. This must be a website that you own, manage, or contribute to. 



Screenshot of the Quote Request Submission Form


Step 2) Receive & Select Quotes 

You’ll be emailed once relevant quotes are submitted.

View and select the quotes you are interested in. Selections are finalized 48 hours after the deadline. If you don’t select quotes, Featured’s AI will select the top quotes for you.

Only selected quotes will be reserved for your story, so select all the ones you’re considering.

Screenshot of the Quote selection screen (Grid View)


Step 3) Claim Quotes 

Once you’re done making selections, claim your quote selections by adding an estimated publication date or published URL.

Claims must be made within 3 weeks after the deadline. If selected quotes go unclaimed for 3 weeks post-deadline, the request will be discarded and the quotes may be pitched elsewhere


Step 4) Share Published Article URL 

Once published (or scheduled), add the URL in Featured so we can share it with the quoted experts. Once the quoted experts have been congratulated, the request will move to the “Published” tab. That’s the last step!


Option #2: Request an Article

(1) Enter Your Question (2) Track Your Article Progress (3) Claim Your Completed Article (4) Published & Share URL – That’s it!


Step 1) Enter a Question

Enter a question you want experts to submit a quote to. Quotes are limited to a 100 character minimum and a 2,500 character maximum (approximately 15-500 words) response. 

  • Enter a Question: Please use wording similar to: give one tip, one recommendation, one way etc. to make sure each panelist elaborates deeper on one topic rather than touching the surface on multiple topics. Don’t know what questions to ask? See our Questions page or generate questions from keywords using our Free Content Strategy Generation tool
  • Deadline: The date you wish to receive your expert roundup article. The Featured team will aim to deliver the article by 5pm MST time on the selected delivery date. Tip: Aim for a delivery date of 3+ weeks out for the best results. 
  • Publication URL: Where the article will be published. This must be a website that you own, manage, or contribute to. 
Screenshot of the Q&A Article Request Submission Form

Step 2) Track Your Article Progress

Track the progress of your requests on the Submitted and In Progress tabs. 


Step 3) Claim Your Completed Article

You’ll be notified via email once your article is complete. 

Article requests must be claimed within 5 weeks by adding an estimated publication date or published URL. After 5 weeks, unclaimed articles will be discarded and repurposed elsewhere. 

Featured Tip: You’re not obligated to publish the whole article. However, if you plan to publish at least one of the quotes, we ask that you claim the request. After the article is published and the URL is shared with Featured, we’ll unselect any experts who weren’t published, ensuring only those featured receive a notification.

Screenshot of “Claim Article” Pop-up Form


Step 4) Publish & Share Article URL

Once published (or scheduled), add the URL in Featured so we can share it with the quoted experts. Once the quoted experts have been congratulated, the request will move to the “Published” tab. That’s the last step!


Quotes Dashboard: Tabs & Drop-Downs Explained

Submitted Tab

All quote requests pending approval and scheduled will be shown here

Pending Approval Drop-Down

    • Questions you just submitted
    • All entered questions will be reviewed and approved by the Featured team. Feedback will be provided if rejected 
    • You can edit or delete it if you feel you made a spelling or any other mistake
    • Your question link is active and can be shared with experts to collect quotes

Scheduled Drop-Down

    • All questions that are approved and scheduled to be posted to Featured’s Questions page
    • On average, questions will get posted 12-20 days before the expected delivery date.
    • You can delete it if you no longer wish to receive quotes
    • Your question link is active and can be shared with experts to collect quotes


In progress Tab

All Open and Closed Questions are shown here

Open Questions Drop-Down

    • Your deadline is in the future and this question is collecting responses
    • To stop receiving quotes, close the question using the button in the actions column
    • You can view, select, and claim quotes at any point
Screenshot of the Open Questions section in the “In Progress” tab


Closed Questions Drop Down

    • Your deadline has passed and the question is no longer collecting responses 
    • You have 48 hours to review all quotes and make selections post-deadline. If no selections are made 48-hours after the deadline, Featured’s AI will select the top quotes for you and move the request to the “Completed” tab for you to claim. 
Screenshot of the Closed Questions section in the “In Progress” tab


Quote Selection Screen

  • View all quotes in a grid or list view
  • Select or Skip quotes 
  • View an expert’s information and contact details by clicking on their name
  • Report a quote by clicking the three dots in the “Show More” sidebar
Screenshot of Quote Selection screen (Grid view)


Claim Quotes Pop-Up:

Step 1) Confirm your selections

Step 2) Add an estimated publication date

Step 3) Press “Claim Quotes” to generate your media folder


Screenshot of “Claim Quotes” pop-up in the Quote Selection screen. Step 1) Confirm Selections


Screenshot of “Claim Quotes” pop-up in the Quote Selection screen. Step 2) add an estimated publication date


Completed Tab

All completed quote requests and media folders can be found here

Unclaimed Requests drop-down

    • Quote Requests that need to be claimed
    • Claim Quote requests within 3 weeks to indicate your interest in publishing the content. Unclaimed requests will be discarded and the quotes may be repurposed elsewhere. 
    • Make any edits you see fit* (see FAQs*), then the quotes are ready to be published on the entered publication source.
    • Once published, share the URL in Featured and we will notify and congratulate only the experts included in the final article. 

Featured Tip: You’re not obligated to publish all of the selected quotes. However, if you find at least one quote valuable, we ask that you claim the request. After the article is published and the URL is shared with Featured, we’ll unselect any experts who weren’t published, ensuring only those featured receive a notification.


Claimed Requests drop-down

    • Quote requests with an estimated publication date
    • Once the estimated publication passes, you will have 2 weeks to add the published article URL or edit the estimated publication date to retain the claim. Unclaimed quote requests will be discarded and repurposed elsewhere. 
    • Make any edits you see fit* (see FAQs*), then the quotes are ready to be published on the entered publication source.
    • Once published, share the URL in Featured and we will notify and congratulate only the experts included in the final article. 


Links Under Review Drop-down

    • Quote requests with a URL shared with Featured
    • Once a URL is added, Featured scans the article link and identifies which selected expert quotes were published.
    • Once the published experts are notified of publication, the request automatically moves to the “Published” tab. 
    • The selected expert quotes that were not published in the final article will not be notified and will regain ownership over their quote for the opportunity to pitch it elsewhere. 


Published Tab

  • Your article has been published and is now live on your site 🎉
  • Featured has notified the included experts of article inclusion and encouraged them to link to press pages and share on social media
  • Hover over “Expert Count” to see which experts Featured found published and notified of inclusion


Articles Dashboard: Tabs & Drop-Downs Explained

Submitted Tab

All article requests pending approval and scheduled will be shown here

Pending Approval Drop-Down: Questions just submitted

    • All entered questions will be reviewed and approved by the Featured team. Feedback will be provided if rejected 
    • You can edit or delete it if you feel you made a spelling or any other mistake
    • Your question link is active and can be shared with experts to collect quotes

Scheduled Drop-Down: All questions that are approved and scheduled to be posted to Featured’s Questions page.

    • On average, questions will get posted 12-20 days before the expected delivery date.
    • You can delete it if you no longer wish to receive this article
    • Your question link is active and can be shared with experts to collect quotes
Screenshot of “Submitted” tab Pending Approval section


In progress Tab

Questions live on Featured’s Questions Page

    • Your question is now live and is posted to Featured’s Questions page
    • Your question link is active and can be shared with experts to collect quotes.


Completed Tab

Articles ready to be reviewed and published

Unclaimed Article Requests Drop-Down: Completed Article requests that have yet to be claimed by you

    • Claim the Article within 5 weeks to indicate your interest in publishing the content. Unclaimed articles will be discarded and repurposed elsewhere. 
    • Make any edits you see fit* (see FAQs*), then the article is ready to be published on the entered publication source.
    • Once published, share the URL in Featured and we will notify and congratulate only the experts included in the final article. 

Featured Tip: You’re not obligated to publish all of the selected quotes. However, if you find at least one quote valuable, we ask that you claim the request. After the article is published and the URL is shared with Featured, we’ll unselect any experts who weren’t published, ensuring only those featured receive a notification.

Screenshot of “Completed” tab Unclaimed Article Requests section


Claimed Article Requests Drop Down: An estimated publication date was shared with Featured

    • Once the estimated publication passes, you will have 2 weeks to add the published article URL or edit the estimated publication date to retain the claim. Unclaimed articles will be discarded and repurposed elsewhere. 
    • Make any edits you see fit* (see FAQs*), then the article is ready to be published on the entered publication source.
    • Once published, share the URL in Featured and we will notify and congratulate only the experts included in the final article. 
Screenshot of “Completed” tab Claimed Article Requests section


Article Links Under Review Drop-Down: An article URL was shared with Featured. 

Screenshot of “Completed” tab Article Links Under Review section


Published Tab

  • Your article has been published and is now live on your site 🎉
  • Featured has notified the included experts of article inclusion and encouraged them to link to press pages and share on social media
  • Hover over “Expert Count” to see which experts Featured found published and notified of inclusion
Screenshot of “Published” tab



Please email any and all feedback/questions to

  • Tech Issues
  • Feature Suggestions
  • Etc. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What “content” do I receive after posting a question to Featured?

Article Requests

Publishers receive a ready-to-be-published expert roundup article and headshot images, organized in a shareable Google Drive Media folder, after posting a question on Featured. 

The article features expert insights that are selected to satisfy the search intent of a question. This means the article will feature diverse perspectives and tips to engage readers. In addition, the article includes a brief introduction with a bullet point list of tips that have helped many publishers achieve a featured snippet on search engine result pages. What is a Featured Expert Roundup?

After posting a question on Featured, journalists can view all quotes and select the ones they are interested in up to 48 hours after the deadline. Once that 48-hour post-deadline buffer passes, any selections made will be finalized. If no selections are made, Featured’s AI will select the quotes for you.

You will receive a media folder that includes the selected quotes along with authors’ headshots, all organized in a shareable Google Drive folder. Claiming your selected quotes before the deadline or 48-hour buffer, will expedite this process and generate the media folder instantly. 

Quote Requests are frequently used by journalists and content creators to add expert insights, enhancing new articles or refreshing older content.

Why is the content free?

Featured operates on a freemium model for experts and is currently free for publishers.

Featured’s expert accounts share their knowledge by answering questions on Featured that are relevant to their expertise. Featured experts hope to grow in thought leadership while building their brand visibility and authority online.

Our goal is to maximize the publication opportunities for Featured experts. Learn more about Featured for experts and teams.


What kind of editorial control do we have over the content?

Publishers have full editorial control of content received from Featured.

Featured collects, identifies, and converts the best expert quotes into ready-to-publish expert roundup articles for publishers. However, publishers may choose to only publish the quotes that meet their editorial needs or standards.

If direct editing to an expert quote is needed, it is important to keep the message of the quote true to the original version.

Acceptable edits to quotes: Minor rewording, rephrasing, restructuring, and removal of text.

Unacceptable edits to quotes: Changing the message of the quote, removing all attribution to the original author, and plagiarism.


Do we need to link to experts in any way?

Nope! We highly suggest publishers keep the expert’s company links in the attribution lines as a courtesy to the experts who contributed their insights to the article. However, publishers are welcome to remove any links that do not meet editorial guidelines.

Premium and Team expert accounts will see an expected attribution type stated next to a question on Featured. The expected attribution type is automatically set based on the publication source’s previous publication history with Featured. Company link attribution types include Unknown, Unlinked, NoFollow, and Dofollow. 


How are quotes selected for Articles? 

Featured’s mission is to unlock new knowledge. Our goal is to feature the best answers on the internet to any question. 

To accomplish this objective, Featured aims to select answers from trusted, subject matter experts who have firsthand experience and authority on a particular topic. 

For unpaid requests, Featured’s AI tool uses profile information to identify which experts have the authority to speak on the topic at hand. Those expert quotes are then analyzed and ranked based on the quality and uniqueness of the insight. Featured aims to choose the best 5 to 15 quotes from relevant experts and convert them into an expert roundup article for publishers to post to their sites. 

For paid requests, a human editor at Featured will review and select the best quality quotes using guidance from our AI tool while also including human judgment. The article will also be edited by a human editor. See Introducing Publisher Pricing for more info. 

How are quotes selected for Quote requests? 

Does this align with Google’s guidelines?

Short Answer: Yes! we to adhere to Google’s Link Scheme Guidelines.

Long Answer: Google’s guidelines clearly state that a platform like Featured needs to allow a third-party content owner the choice of qualifying outbound links. Because of these guidelines, we give publishing partners complete editorial control of their Featured articles, including the choice of including links.

Google likes Featured because we help industry experts (the publishing brands) create relevant content for their audiences. When someone searches HR software to try, Google would rather rank an article found on an HR company blog than a question/answer forum.


Who can be a publishing partner?

Featured creates expert roundup content for Brands with Blogs, Media Publications, and Member Driven Organizations.  

Publication sources that engage in tactics that go against search engine guidelines will be blocked from using Featured. Featured will always aim to function within the rules and expectations of search engines. 


What makes a question a good fit for Featured?

Featured is strong in verticals like Business, Entrepreneurship, Technology, Marketing, Human Resources, and Finance. However, we welcome questions of every vertical. The question should not have one right answer and instead, be open to multiple thought leadership style insights. Questions should prompt experts to give their insight based on their professional experience. 

For Q&A Article Requests, please use wording in your question to limit experts to ONE tip/recommendation/way within their answer. This way, each panelist will be encouraged to elaborate on one topic, leading to a well-rounded article.

Screenshot of Questions that go live on

Can I make direct edits to the quotes?

Publishers have full editorial control of content received from Featured.

Featured collects, identifies, and converts the best expert quotes into ready-to-publish expert roundup articles for publishers. However, publishers may choose to only publish the quotes that meet their editorial needs or standards.

If direct editing to an expert quote is needed, it is important to keep the message of the quote true to the original version.

Acceptable edits to quotes: Minor rewording, rephrasing, restructuring, and removal of text.

Unacceptable edits to quotes: Changing the message of the quote, removing all attribution to the original author, and plagiarism.


Can I make direct edits to the Article?

Yes, direct edits to the article are fine. Common article edits we see are: enhancing the introduction paragraph, adding internal linking, creating infographics for included quotes, adding a conclusion paragraph, etc. 


Can I remove/add quotes?

Yes, feel free to remove and add quotes as you see fit. We will only notify those who are featured in the final article. 


How is Featured responding to AI-written quotes? 

Since the rise of accessible AI content tools like ChatGPT,  we have noticed an unfortunate increase in submissions containing AI-written content. It is important for us to emphasize that we actively discourage the use of AI in crafting responses. Our objective is to collect thought leadership insights derived from genuine personal experiences.

In 2023, Featured began using GPTZero (at a threshold of 0.88) to identify and reject AI-written quotes. Unfortunately, since AI-detection tools are new, we received many reports of false positives and negatives regarding our AI detection and in turn discontinued our use of GPTZero. 

We offer tools for you to give feedback and report complaints. If you believe an expert is fabricating their personal experiences with AI you can initiate a report by emailing


Are the quotes I receive fact-checked?

Publishers have complete editorial control of the content received and are responsible for what they publish. 

Our goal is to provide excellent quotes from relevant experts, however, it’s important to note that Featured does not endorse or verify the content submitted by the experts. All our content and materials are provided without any guarantees and are offered “as is.” For more information, please refer to Featured’s Terms of Service.

We recommend that publishers carefully review the content to decide if it meets their specific editorial needs and standards before publishing.

We offer tools for you to give feedback and report complaints. If you think someone is providing purposely misleading, harmful, or factually incorrect content within their quotes, you can initiate a report by emailing


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