What are the Best Public Relations Evaluation Methods?


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What are the Best Public Relations Evaluation Methods?

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What are the Best Public Relations Evaluation Methods?

To shed light on the complex process of evaluating Public Relations’ success, we asked eleven industry leaders and PR professionals to share their methods. From CEOs to Community Managers, their insights range from using the unique “Flap-o-Meter” method to balancing your audience and stakeholder support. Dive into their expert advice to enhance your PR evaluation strategy.

  • Using the Unique “Flap-o-Meter” Method
  • Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics
  • Developing Clear Goals and Objectives
  • Increasing Direct Website Traffic
  • Observing Sentiment Analysis and Feedback
  • Monitoring Media and Engagement for PR Success
  • Concentrating on Business KPIs and PR Actions
  • Evaluating a Campaign by Asking the “5 Ws”
  • Measuring Brand Sentiment in PR Campaigns
  • Conducting Media-Content Analysis
  • Balancing Audience and Stakeholder Support

Using the Unique Flap-o-Meter Method

We evaluate our public relations efforts with the “Flap-o-Meter” method. It’s a foolproof approach that measures the magnitude of media flutters caused by our PR campaigns. We analyze various indicators such as press coverage, social media buzz, and customer engagement to determine if our feathers are ruffling the right way.

To gauge success, we rely on concrete data points. For instance, we track the number of articles written about our clients, social media shares, and positive sentiment. We also monitor increased website traffic and conversions because, let’s face it, that’s what keeps the birds chirping!

Take our client, Featherland Airlines, for example. When their recent “Fly High, Feather-Light” campaign resulted in a 25% increase in bookings and a viral video of their pilots dancing the Macarena in-flight, we knew we had soared to success!

Himanshu SharmaHimanshu Sharma
CEO and Founder, Academy of Digital Marketing

Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Metrics

Evaluating public relations is not always straightforward, but it’s an essential aspect of our strategy at Click Intelligence. We primarily use a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics to measure PR success.

On the quantitative side, we look at media impressions, website traffic, and social media engagement generated by our PR activities. We also monitor any significant increases in brand searches following PR events.

However, not all PR success can be counted. So, we also consider qualitative aspects such as message resonance and the quality of relationships we’ve developed with key influencers and media.

A key factor to remember is that PR rarely leads to instant, tangible results. It’s about building reputation and relationships, which takes time and consistent effort. So, success, in PR terms, is often a long game.

simon brisk
Simon Brisk, Director, Click Intelligence Ltd

Developing Clear Goals and Objectives

Without clear goals, there is no guideline to determine if the campaign or PR efforts are effective. Most brands and companies that I have come across have the primary goal of being in the media, and that’s how they measure success; however, PR is much more than media placements.

Evaluation methods depend on the goals set in place and whatever metrics are being measured, such as media placements, impressions, reach, engagement, sentiment, social shares, and more. If we’re going a more qualitative route, we’d focus on methods such as surveys, media analysis, and online metrics.

Dawine DacostaDawine Dacosta
Founder and PR Professional

Increasing Direct Website Traffic

One key method to use in measuring the success of your public relations (PR) program is the increase in direct website traffic. PR is a complex tool for brand awareness, and one of your best indicators to see if your program initiatives are effective is when these activities drive your audience to actually look up your name in the search engine.

In terms of success metrics, your messaging has impacted your audience enough to be more curious about your brand and organization, leading them to search for it.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Observing Sentiment Analysis and Feedback

For evaluating public relations, I commonly use a combination of key performance indicators, sentiment analysis, and stakeholder feedback.

The success of PR is determined by checking the increased brand visibility, positive media coverage, engagement metrics, lead generation, and favorable public perception.

Success is determined by increased brand visibility, positive media coverage, engagement metrics, lead generation, and favorable public perception.

Faizan KhanFaizan Khan
PR and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy UK

Monitoring Media and Engagement for PR Success

As an outsourcing company, we evaluate our efforts by monitoring media pickups, social media engagement, website metrics, surveys, and sometimes market research. This sheds light on our target audience’s sentiment and behavior toward the campaign we launched.

The data collected from these methods can determine whether our initiative has received positive or negative media attention and user engagement. It also helps us to track the quality of the web traffic we achieved, which is important for us, and its correlation in meeting the business goals, a.k.a. our leads.  

We believe that a sustainable PR strategy should center on relationship building and consistent brand image reinforcement.

In a nutshell, the goal of PR is to target business objectives such as boosting sales, attracting investment, and enhancing employee morale. These objectives can be measured through the quality and quantity of media coverage, audience interaction, and tangible business impact.

Ernest YapErnest Yap
Content Writer, Clark Staff

Concentrating on Business KPIs and PR Actions

Instead of concentrating only on media coverage or website traffic, this strategy evaluates how PR initiatives help the business achieve its overall objectives.

The impact of PR on important business KPIs, including sales revenue, lead creation, customer acquisition, and brand awareness, is examined to evaluate whether PR is effective. The concrete effect of efforts on the bottom line can be determined by monitoring the relationship between PR actions and these results.

Surveys and direct feedback from stakeholders, clients, or customers can gain insightful information about how they feel about a company or brand. A rise in positive reviews and brand loyalty may show effective PR initiatives.

Coordinating PR evaluation with quantifiable business outcomes can provide a more thorough understanding of PR success and its role in fostering the organization’s overall growth and success.

Michael CallahanMichael Callahan
Founder and VP, The Callahan Law Firm

Evaluating a Campaign by Asking the “5 Ws”

As an experienced PR professional, I find the “5 Ws” evaluation method to be one of the most effective approaches for determining the success of a PR campaign. This method involves asking the questions “who,” “what,” “where,” “when,” and “why” to evaluate the effectiveness of PR writing.

For instance, we can ask who the target audience is, what message is being conveyed, where the message is being disseminated, when the PR campaign is being executed, and why the campaign is being conducted.

By answering these questions, we can assess whether a PR campaign is achieving its intended goals and reaching the desired audience. This evaluation method is highly effective in measuring the success of PR campaigns.

Samuel FletcherSamuel Fletcher
Co-Founder, SupplyGem

Measuring Brand Sentiment in PR Campaigns

Brand sentiment is measured before, during, and after each PR campaign. These campaigns have unique objectives and create a specific perception or evoke particular emotions about the brand.

Sentiment analysis provides valuable insights into the impact of these efforts, showing whether the PR goal is on track. It also helps identify areas for improvement and adjusts the actions taken. As a result, more informed decisions are made to create the desired brand image in the eyes of the target audience.

Determining whether PR is successful depends on if the expectations for the campaign match the outcomes. It all depends on the objectives. For example, if a campaign aims to improve the brand’s image, it is effective when the number of positive brand mentions increases and the number of negative ones decreases (compared to the state before the campaign). And the list goes on.

Agata SzczepanekAgata Szczepanek
Community Manager, MyPerfectResume

Conducting Media-Content Analysis

For me, personally, I use a lot of media-content analysis, which I use to determine whether public relations is successful, such as press clippings, articles written, social media posts, and many other forms of coverage. It measures how effectively the message was communicated to the public.

Media-content analysis can also figure out the success of brand awareness or whether key messages were landed. It can also give insights about what might be more effective next time around.

Brian SimoneauBrian Simoneau
Owner, Mass. RMV Lawyers

Balancing Audience and Stakeholder Support

For me, I use a combination of the three evaluation methods: the audience-centric approach, the stakeholder-centric approach, and the audience-stakeholder balance.

I look at how well our PR efforts are being received by our target audiences. What kinds of things do they like? Where are they engaging with us? How can we make sure that our content stays fresh and relevant?

I also look at how well our PR efforts are being received by other stakeholders—the media, our partners, and so on. Do they see us as a reliable source of information? How are they responding to what we’re putting out there? Are they sharing it with their audiences? Are we building relationships with them that will help us grow in the long run?

Finally, I try to maintain an overall balance between audience engagement and stakeholder support. If we’re focusing too much on one or the other (or if we only have one), it’s time for some adjustments!

Jaanus PõderJaanus Põder
Founder and CEO, Envoice

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