How Should I Ask Companies for Free Products to Review?


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How Should I Ask Companies for Free Products to Review?

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How Should I Ask Companies for Free Products to Review?

Are you a blogger looking to collaborate with companies for product reviews? We’ve got you covered! We asked four CEOs and founders to share their insights on how someone should approach their company for free products to review on their blog. From presenting benefits and statistics to crafting a professional and persuasive email request, these experts reveal the key elements to successfully secure collaborations in the blogging world.

  • Present Benefits and Statistics for the Company
  • Provide Blog Information and Audience Details
  • Align with Target Demographic and Show Genuine Interest
  • Craft a Professional and Persuasive Email Request

Present Benefits and Statistics for the Company

Provide a valid reason for requesting access or receiving a product for free. Consider what the business stands to gain from this arrangement. Present relevant statistics that demonstrate the potential benefits for the company. These may include analytics data, social media followers, shares, and previous sales of products directly linked to a blog or similar platform.

Simon BacherSimon Bacher
CEO and Co-founder, Ling App

Provide Blog Information and Audience Details

For those interested in reviewing products on a blog, it is essential to provide a link to the blog and some information about the motivation behind reviewing the products. It would be helpful to know more about the audience served and how product reviews could benefit them.

To maintain high-quality product reviews, providing as much information as possible about the blog and its audience is crucial. Always add that you’re looking forward to hearing from interested parties and working together.

Aviad FaruzAviad Faruz

Align with Target Demographic and Show Genuine Interest

When reaching out to bloggers for features or reviews of a product, it is essential to follow them on social media and include examples of why the aesthetic or customer base aligns. However, it is often observed that when bloggers reach out, they may not be following the business on social media, and the message appears to be a generic copy/paste. Such requests are usually disregarded.

Even if a blog has a significant number of followers, it is not beneficial for the business if those people do not fall within the target customer demographic. It is essential to explain why the blog’s readers would be interested in the products. If a blogger can bring more customers, businesses are more likely to be open to sending merchandise, especially if the blogger follows the brand on social media.

Erica BurkeErica Burke
CEO, Burke & Hare Co

Craft a Professional and Persuasive Email Request

Requesting free products from a company can be done through various means, with email being one of the most efficient and direct ways. To increase the chances of receiving a response, it is important to include specific information in the email, such as the blog or website name, the type of product being requested for review, and a link to the blog.

Explaining why the blogger is the perfect fit to review the product and suggesting how the company could benefit from the review is important. Using professional and polite language is crucial.

Finally, including the blogger’s contact information in the email is essential. Adhering to these guidelines will increase the chances of receiving a positive response and ultimately being able to review the desired product.

Burak ÖzdemirBurak Özdemir
Founder, Online Alarm Kur

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