How Do You Get Featured on a Podcast?


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How Do You Get Featured on a Podcast?

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How Do You Get Featured on a Podcast?

To help you navigate the world of podcasting, we’ve gathered insights from twelve industry professionals, including podcast hosts and CEOs. From ensuring your insight is a good fit for the audience to building credibility, these experts share their experiences and strategies on how to get featured on a podcast. Dive in to discover their valuable advice.

  • Ensure a Proper Fit for Content and Audience
  • Do Proactive Outreach via Preferred Communication
  • Target Business Segments
  • Schedule Interviews through Direct Outreach
  • Leverage Industry Connections
  • Craft a Standout Podcast Pitch
  • Rely on Recommendations
  • Align Your Expertise with Podcast Themes
  • Take a Personalized and Detailed Pitch Approach
  • Showcase Your Passion and Authenticity
  • Engage and Pitch to Podcast Hosts
  • Build Credibility

Ensure a Proper Fit for Content and Audience

To get featured on a podcast, ensure you’re a great fit for the content and audience of the show.

For instance, if your focus is on e-commerce marketing, don’t pitch to a podcast focused on industrial marketing. When pitching yourself as a guest to a host, be clear and concise. In three sentences, state what you can offer the host and the audience in terms of on-topic and insightful content. Prepare by having clips of you being a guest on other shows, and a brief, bulleted list of topics you can speak to readily.

Another method is to connect with friends who have podcasts. Sometimes, getting featured can be as simple as expressing your interest to someone you know well.

I’ve been a host on podcasts for “Markigy: The Science of Marketing Strategy,” and have swapped guest spots on others.

Leanne Dow-Weimer
Episode: #28: Is marketing a science or philosophy? w/ Leanne Dow-Weimer 

Leanne Dow-Weimer, Podcast Host, Markigy- Science of Marketing Strategy Podcast

Do Proactive Outreach via Preferred Communication

I have been working with Adrian Spataru, the founder of—an AI podcast editing startup. He has also been a podcaster for a long time, and he advises the following to get featured on a podcast.

Don’t merely wait for inbound opportunities. Outreach is the key. He got a successful start with However, he believes that reaching out directly to your podcast of interest and fit is the best way.

Make sure to use a podcast’s preferred way of communication while outreaching. Find out whether it’s a form, DM, email, etc.

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Tools of the Podcast Trade 

Zeel PatelZeel Patel
Copywriter and Content Lead, Cleanvoice

Target Business Segments

From 2021 to 2022, I did several podcasts targeted at particular business segments in which my firm was attempting to build a reputation and influence.

One of our key markets was accounting and finance professionals looking to build internal software within larger companies. At the time, I reached out directly to Roger Knecht to make the case for discussing the issue with his audience of accountants.

Trevor Ewen
Episode: Impact of Technology in your Business w/Trevor Ewen 

Trevor Ewen, COO, QBench

Schedule Interviews through Direct Outreach

I reached out via email to a podcast host and asked if we could work together. I originally suggested something different, but he said I could be a good fit for his podcast audience. We had a preliminary call and discussed a few topics, and he said he would get back to me.

He then reached out to schedule the time for the podcast interview. Being on his podcast improved awareness of our service and resulted in an impactful number of sales. I am grateful for his kindness in letting me be a guest on his podcast.

Episode: 44 – Data Brokers and People Search Websites Are Selling Your Data – Watchman Privacy 

James WilsonJames Wilson
Personal Cybersecurity Expert, My Data Removal

Leverage Industry Connections

I had the privilege of being featured on the “Apex Alphas” podcast, led by a crypto and investments expert.

In the episode, we delved into my journey as a digital marketing agency owner, discussing the intricacies of building and scaling such a business.

The conversation revolved around the processes, lessons learned, and systems I’ve implemented to navigate the dynamic landscape of digital marketing. It was a fantastic opportunity to share insights, experiences, and practical tips with the podcast’s audience.

The collaboration stemmed from mutual connections in the industry, and the host appreciated the unique perspective I could offer to their listeners. In the podcast, we explored the convergence of digital marketing, entrepreneurship, and the ever-evolving world of crypto and investments.

Kartik Ahuja
Episode: Episode 11: How To Grow 10X In 2021 | In Conversation with Kartik Ahuja | Listen Notes   

Kartik Ahuja, CEO and Founder, GrowthScribe

Craft a Standout Podcast Pitch

Podcast hosts receive plenty of pitches. You need to stand out from the crowd. Out of all the pitches they receive, why should they consider yours? Out of all the ideas they consider, why should they spotlight you?

Put yourself in their shoes. They want to produce podcasts that people will be excited to listen to. Write a catchy subject line and a brief but strong pitch. Your story should fit into one of two categories: either this is the story that no one has heard about, but should, or it’s the story that everyone has heard about, but you can tell it more compellingly than anyone else can.

We were able to land on this Detroit podcast earlier this year, spotlighting my colleagues’ expertise.

Episode: Capital Impact on Equitable Development w/ Michelle Matthews and Elizabeth Luther

David Greisman
Media Relations Manager, Momentus Capital

Rely on Recommendations

As someone who has been interviewed several times on a podcast and who runs one of the largest podcast platforms in the world, with over 2,200 interviews, the simplest and easiest way to be invited is to reach out to the podcast host directly via email or LinkedIn. Another good way is to ask someone who has already been interviewed to recommend your name.

Remember to send details of the kind of work that you have done as well as an area of your specialization where you believe you can add the most value for viewers and listeners.

Ashutosh Garg
Founder, TBCY  Digital Pvt Ltd

Align Your Expertise with Podcast Themes

Getting featured on a podcast requires a compelling story that aligns with the podcast’s theme. For my appearance on the Marshall PR podcast, where public relations for startups was discussed, proactive outreach and a relevant, engaging topic were key.

I connected with the host, sharing insights into PR challenges startups face, which resonated with their audience. The episode demonstrates how aligning your expertise with the podcast’s focus can lead to a successful feature.

Matias Rodsevich
Episode: Episode 126: Public relations for startups, with Matias Rodsevich, CEO and founder of PRLab 

Matias Rodsevich, Founder, PRHive

Take a Personalized and Detailed Pitch Approach

As a guest who’s appeared on over 15 podcasts during the past few years, when pitching to hosts, I try to do three things.

First, I review their pitch guidelines and ensure I answer every single screening question they ask. Second, I do my best to clearly articulate the connection between my expertise and their show’s topical focus. Third, in some cases, I’ll record a personalized voice or video message explaining why I’m interested in the show, why I’m uniquely positioned to add value, and the potential topics I could credibly discuss.

Personalization is key to standing out to a podcast host who likely has no shortage of potential guests vying to be on their show.  

Joseph Liu
Episodes: EP#016 – How To Realise  The True Value Of Your Podcast with Joseph Liu | Oh My Pod 

& How To Advance Your Career by Quitting Your Job 

Joseph Liu, Career Change Consultant, Keynote Speaker, Podcast Host, Joseph Liu

Showcase Your Passion and Authenticity

To get featured on a podcast, start by identifying relevant shows in your niche and listen to a few episodes to understand the tone and content. Once you’ve found a good fit, reach out to the host with a personalized pitch that outlines your passions and expertise, and suggest topics that align with your interests. Podcast hosts appreciate genuine enthusiasm, so let your passion shine through.

Once you get the ball rolling, you’re bound to gain recognition and get approached by more hosts. The key is to be authentic—be who you are, not what you think a podcast guest should be. If you adopt this approach, remain sincere in your pursuit, and treat every opportunity you land as a stepping-stone, you’re invariably going to get where you want to be.

Harry Morton
Episode: 188 – The ROI of Podcasting: How to make your podcast profitable with Harry Morton 

Harry Morton, Founder, Lower Street

Engage and Pitch to Podcast Hosts

Getting featured on a podcast is not as hard as you would think, but you do need to be prepared to pitch yourself.

First off, connect and engage with the podcast host. They want to know who you are and what you have to offer their listeners. You can send them an email, DM, or apply through a form on their website. Highlight the expertise or thing you specialize in and propose a couple of topic options. That creates less work for the host.

Also, make sure your message or email is personalized and professional. This sounds obvious, but it goes a long way. If you don’t get a response within a few days, reach out again one last time.

Caroline PenningtonCaroline Pennington
Executive Search Recruiter, Podcast Host, Founder, Feminine Founder\

Build Credibility

One of the best ways to get featured on a podcast is to deliver value through one’s social media profiles and then network with those that one knows have podcasts.

In my experience, I focus on the “We Buy Houses” niche. I could show content on my social media of sellers I spoke with, how I negotiated those deals, and then I attended networking events. When I would connect with those at networking events, inevitably we would exchange social media profiles, and they would end up scrolling through my profile.

After they would go through my profile, they would see credibility there, which would give them the confidence to reach out to me and ask to have me on the podcast. In my case, I was able to get onto the “Deals Estate Wholesaling Podcast” after the owner of the podcast did exactly what I mentioned above.

Sebastian Jania
Episode: Ep. 20 – Transitioning From An Aspiring Physiotherapist to a Full-Time Wholesaler with Sebastian Jania 

Sebastian Jania, CEO, Ontario Property Buyers

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