How Do You Create An Employee Alignment With Corporate Strategy?


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How Do You Create An Employee Alignment With Corporate Strategy?

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How Do You Create An Employee Alignment With Corporate Strategy?

Discovering innovative strategies to align employees with corporate goals is crucial for any organization’s success. We’ve gathered insights from Founders and CEOs, sharing their top fourteen strategies, ranging from implementing a clear strategy communication plan to holding company-wide brainstorming sessions for ownership.

  • Implement a Clear Strategy Communication Plan
  • Adopt Empathy-Driven Strategy Development
  • Encourage Openness and Creative Contributions
  • Introduce Cascading Goals with Timeliness
  • Utilize AI-Powered Strategy Sessions
  • Cultivate an Ownership Culture with Impact Sessions
  • Develop Personalized Career Paths for Alignment
  • Engage Teams with Strategy as a Story
  • Foster Alignment with Transparent Communication
  • Involve Employees in Goal-Related Work
  • Encourage Anonymous Feedback for Alignment
  • Invest in Employee Education for Strategy Alignment
  • Create Personalized Employee Development Plans
  • Hold Company-Wide Brainstorming for Ownership

Implement a Clear Strategy Communication Plan

The first step in aligning employees with your business strategy is to make sure everyone in the company actually knows what your strategy is! Imagine an outsider walking into your company’s office and asking random employees, “Where is this business going to be in 3-5 years, and what’s the plan to get there?” How many of your employees would be able to give a crisp and coherent answer? How consistent would the answers be from employee to employee?

Every company can benefit from a short pitch deck that clearly outlines why the company exists, what you do, why you do it, who you serve, how you serve them, what winning looks like, and what our plan is to win. Everyone in the company should be able to give the presentation. Once you’ve done this, take it one step further—take a page out of the book The Great Game of Business. Show employees exactly how they help the company win. Put numbers to it, and compensate for performance.

Ben LandersBen Landers
Founder, Blue Corona

Adopt Empathy-Driven Strategy Development

In our journey at DGR Legal to align every team member with our overarching strategic vision, we’ve adopted a novel approach called “Empathy-Driven Strategy Development.” This methodology pivots away from traditional, often rigid strategic planning processes towards a more human-centered approach, deeply integrating employee well-being and client satisfaction into the fabric of our corporate strategy.

This initiative began with a simple yet powerful realization: Our employees, who are on the front lines interacting with clients and navigating the complexities of legal services, hold invaluable insights into how we can better serve our clientele and improve our operations. To harness these insights, we instituted regular “Empathy Circles,” where employees across all levels are invited to share their experiences, challenges, and suggestions directly related to our clients’ needs and expectations.

The feedback gathered from these sessions is then directly used to shape our strategic initiatives, ensuring that our plans are aligned with our business objectives and profoundly empathetic to the needs of our employees and clients. This has led to innovative service offerings and internal processes that are profoundly connected to the real needs of those we serve, fostering a culture of empathy, innovation, and strategic alignment throughout the organization.

This strategy aligns our team with our corporate goals. It fosters a sense of purpose and connection across the firm, driving us toward success in a way that feels authentic and profoundly fulfilling for everyone involved.

Alana GibsonAlana Gibson
Chief Operating Officer, DGR Legal

Encourage Openness and Creative Contributions

As someone who develops people for a living, I’ve found that actively listening to employees is crucial. Even when their ideas may not align perfectly with past practices or existing data, it’s essential to give their insights serious consideration.

Employees should feel empowered to share their innovative ideas, even if they seem unconventional or risky. Encouraging this openness creates a culture of creativity and engagement, ensuring that your team feels valued and motivated to contribute their best. After all, innovation often springs from those daring to explore the unconventional.

Andrew BarryAndrew Barry
CEO, Curious Lion

Introduce Cascading Goals with Timeliness

An innovative strategy that we have implemented to foster employee alignment with corporate strategy, ensuring organizational success, is the introduction of a structured goal-setting process that emphasizes both the importance of timeliness and the cascading of goals throughout the organization.

This process begins with clear, measurable goals set at the corporate level, which are then translated into departmental and individual goals, ensuring that each layer of the organization is working in harmony towards a common objective. The cascading goals method is instrumental in aligning the efforts of all teams and individuals with the overarching strategic objectives of the company.

We place a strong emphasis on the timeliness of the goal-setting process. By establishing and communicating goals early, and reviewing them regularly, we keep teams focused and allow for agile adjustments as market conditions or company priorities change. This approach keeps everyone from the executive to the frontline employee engaged and aware of how their contributions impact the broader company vision.

By making the success of the company inclusive to all roles, teams, and people, each employee can see the direct impact of their work on the company’s progress. This not only boosts alignment and productivity but also increases employee engagement and motivation, as they recognize their role in the collective achievement of the company’s goals.

Melissa PenningtonMelissa Pennington
CEO & Founder, HR On Demand

Utilize AI-Powered Strategy Sessions

Our innovative strategy? Implementing ‘AI-Powered Strategy Sessions.’ Once a quarter, we gather the team for a session where our proprietary AI system analyzes current digital marketing trends and suggests personalized strategies for each department. This ensures our strategies are cutting-edge and deeply involve our team in decision-making, making them feel integral to our success.

A personal story that stands out happened during one of these sessions. A junior marketer suggested a tweak to the AI’s recommendation that significantly increased client engagement for the next quarter. This moment was a testament to the power of combining human creativity with AI’s analytical capabilities.

It proved that alignment happens naturally when employees see their ideas valued and contribute directly to the company’s strategy. This approach has not only improved our organizational success but has also sparked a sense of ownership and pride among our team, driving us to strive for excellence in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape.

Vaibhav KakkarVaibhav Kakkar
CEO, Digital Web Solutions

Cultivate an Ownership Culture with Impact Sessions

As the founder & CEO of Omniconvert, my innovative strategy for aligning employees with our corporate strategy centers on the principle of “ownership culture.” This approach involves empowering each team member by treating them as stakeholders in the business, thereby fostering a deep sense of responsibility and dedication towards our collective goals.

We initiated regular “Impact Sessions” where team members propose initiatives aligned with our strategic objectives, debate their potential impact, and take charge of implementing the ones we select together.

This not only enhances engagement but also nurtures an environment of trust and innovation, driving organizational success. The personal gratification and professional growth I’ve seen in my team as a result have been profoundly rewarding.

Valentin RaduValentin Radu
CEO & Founder, Blogger, Speaker, Podcaster, Omniconvert

Develop Personalized Career Paths for Alignment

One innovative strategy we’ve implemented to foster employee alignment with corporate strategy is the development of personalized career paths. By aligning individual goals with organizational objectives, employees feel more invested in the company’s success.

Through regular discussions and assessments, we identify each employee’s strengths, interests, and aspirations, then tailor development plans to support their growth within the company. This approach not only increases employee engagement and retention but also ensures that every team member contributes meaningfully to achieving our corporate goals, ultimately leading to organizational success.

Steven MostynSteven Mostyn
Chief Human Resources Officer,

Engage Teams with Strategy as a Story

I’ve always believed that the true compass for organizational success lies in ensuring every crew member not only understands their heading but is also genuinely excited about the direction we’re sailing. Here is our one unconventional strategy we’ve deployed to make sure our alignment is as precise as a Swiss watch, ensuring that our collective efforts propel us toward our shared vision.

We’ve taken the concept of “Strategy as a Story” to heart. Every quarter, I personally write and share a narrative that encapsulates our strategy for the coming months. This isn’t a dry corporate document; it’s a vivid story where our team and our goals are the protagonists, facing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and achieving victories.

This approach transforms our strategy from a set of objectives into a compelling narrative that everyone can be a part of. It’s a way to engage not just the mind but the heart, ensuring that our team isn’t just aligned with our strategy but is passionate about it.

Alari AhoAlari Aho
CEO and Founder, Toggl Inc

Foster Alignment with Transparent Communication

One game-changing strategy is transparent communication. Regular updates and meetings where you can lay out the corporate strategy show employees exactly how their role fits into the bigger picture. It’s like giving them a backstage pass to the company’s master plan, empowering them to see how their contributions directly impact your success.

By fostering this understanding and alignment, you’re creating a team that’s not just rowing in the same direction but paddling together with purpose and passion. So, whether it’s celebrating wins or addressing challenges, everyone’s on the same page, driving you closer to your organizational goals.

Andrew FayadAndrew Fayad
CEO, ELM Learning

Involve Employees in Goal-Related Work

Being open and transparent with our company goals for the year and for the quarter ensures that everyone is aware of what we are working towards. We also include our employees in work directly tied to these—for example, gathering G2 reviews from clients—so they are completely bought in with our goals.

Corey SchwitzCorey Schwitz
CEO & Founder, Skydog Ops

Encourage Anonymous Feedback for Alignment

More than one-sided communication is needed when discussing your company’s values, strategy, and primary goals. Knowing how these concepts are being perceived and implemented on the front lines is equally beneficial as keeping your team informed from the top down.

After sharing the company’s goals with your team and assisting them in creating their OKRs, how can you keep the lines of communication open regarding alignment?

Encourage anonymous messaging and feedback so staff members can ask questions and voice any issues or ideas. Some employees may feel more comfortable providing honest input regarding alignment if there is an anonymous touchpoint.

Set aside time to speak with each team member individually about alignment. Allow them enough time and space to ask any questions they may have about their specific goals or how their role fits into the bigger picture.

Team cohesion has a big impact on your company’s overall performance. Your team members may find it difficult to maintain engagement and put up a united front if there is a lack of clear communication regarding the objectives of the organization and the shared values.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Invest in Employee Education for Strategy Alignment

InStride offers, and fully covers the costs for, 2,000+ learning options ranging from skills courses to master’s degrees to InStride employees through our Step Forward education program. Fifty-seven percent of our employees have participated in the program to date—completing degrees, certifications, and courses in data science, leadership management, global education, technical communication, and more.

This cultivates alignment with our corporate strategy, as we put our money where our mouth is by providing internally what we offer externally. By taking this inside-out approach, we invest in the thing most central to our mission: education.

InStride delivers on its social mission to educate America’s workforce by partnering with enterprise-scale companies like Labcorp, Magna, and Banfield Pet Hospitals to unlock access to life-changing education for their employees. These programs help these employers achieve meaningful social and business outcomes, from bolstered retention and promotion rates to improved employee productivity and engagement.

Year after year, we measure these same outcomes internally through Step Forward:

Those who complete a learning option stay 37% longer than non-participants.

Step Forward participants are twice as likely to achieve career growth.

Eighty-three percent of program participants say they are more equipped to do their job.

This strategy gives our employees awareness of what working adults want from our product and helps them identify what makes a strong online course or degree program. That firsthand knowledge and mission alignment are game-changing for an organization like ours.

Craig MaloneyCraig Maloney
Chief Executive Officer, InStride

Create Personalized Employee Development Plans

While employee development initiatives are key to their engagement and retention, as well as for organizational success, a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t the answer. Personalizing employee development has not only helped me align my workforce better with our corporate strategy, but it has also allowed them to see how their personal goals contribute to the overall company objectives.

Indeed, it’s not as simple as a straightforward employee development program would be, with a few training courses on industry-relevant topics. However, with managers working closely with each employee, we are able to better assess their individual goals, strengths, and areas for improvement. This helps create a detailed plan that outlines specific steps for achieving their career aspirations within the company.

For example, one of our junior recruiters expressed an interest in transitioning to a leadership position within our firm. We identified relevant training opportunities, mentorship programs, and stretch assignments to help them build the necessary skills and experience. Through regular check-ins and updates, we tracked their progress and made adjustments as needed to ensure they were on track to meet their goals.

I feel like this method values, supports, and motivates employees to achieve their full potential within the organization. This alignment between individual goals and corporate strategy ultimately leads to greater employee engagement, retention, and overall organizational success.

Joe ColettaJoe Coletta
Founder & CEO, 180 Engineering

Hold Company-Wide Brainstorming for Ownership

I believe it’s essential to foster a sense of ownership and accountability among employees to align them with corporate strategy by engaging them in the process. From my experience, this is best done by giving them a voice, whether in the form of one-on-one check-in meetings for personalized goal assessment and readjustments or more interactive events such as company-wide brainstorming sessions where participants can come up with innovative ideas on how to contribute to organizational objectives. I see this as a reverse form of assigning tasks; rather than you being the one to delegate, employees step up and take responsibility according to their interests and expertise.

It’s also essential to appreciate individuals who show initiative and are proactive in handling tasks necessary for accomplishing organizational goals. Implementing a rewards or recognition program for employees who actively participate and demonstrate alignment with the corporate strategy can further incentivize them to align their actions with the company’s goals.

Ben LamarcheBen Lamarche
General Manager, Lock Search Group

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