How Do You Conduct E-commerce Keyword Research?


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How Do You Conduct E-commerce Keyword Research?

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How Do You Conduct E-commerce Keyword Research?

To help you excel in e-commerce keyword research, we’ve gathered insights from 10 industry experts, including CEOs, founders, and marketing professionals. From utilizing the Keyword Golden Ratio method to labeling keywords for relevance, discover the top strategies these experts employ to achieve outstanding results in their keyword research endeavors.

  • Utilize the Keyword Golden Ratio Method
  • Perform a Comprehensive Competitor Analysis
  • Analyze Customer Support Interactions
  • Consider Seasonality in Research
  • Integrate SEO Tools and Intent Scrutiny
  • Employ an “Allintitle:” Search Strategy
  • Prioritize User Experience and Journey
  • Emphasize Search Intent
  • Focus on the Buyer’s Journey
  • Label Keywords for Relevance

Utilize the Keyword Golden Ratio Method

There are many methods to find keywords for an e-commerce website, but our favorite is the Keyword Golden Ratio (KGR) method. KGR is a method to find long-tail keywords with low search volume, which helps to rank higher and faster in Google. This method was devised by Doug Cunnington.

In the KGR technique, we find long-tail keywords that have searches approximately equal to 250. They may have less search volume, but they are targeted keywords. They target a specific audience. For example, medical shoes for diabetic patients under $50. This is a long keyword. It may have fewer searches, but it is highly targeted.

In KGR, we simply use very simple tools to find keywords. We use Google autocomplete, Google search recommendations, Google’s “People also ask” section, Google Trends, and competitor’s keywords.

Paw VejPaw Vej
Chief Operating Officer,

Perform a Comprehensive Competitor Analysis

When conducting e-commerce keyword research, one approach that sets us apart and helps us achieve results is a comprehensive competitor analysis.

By thoroughly analyzing competitor websites, we gain valuable insights into their keyword strategies. We examine their product pages, category pages, and blog content to identify recurring keywords and phrases relevant to our business. This analysis allows us to identify keyword gaps, discover new opportunities, and refine our keyword strategy.

By staying informed about our competitors’ approaches, we can make informed decisions, leverage successful tactics, and differentiate our e-commerce business.

Josh AmishavJosh Amishav
Founder and CEO, Breachsense

Analyze Customer Support Interactions

Analyzing customer support interactions is one way we have gained valuable insights into the language our customers use when seeking assistance or information about our products or services. This enables us to identify recurring questions, concerns, or requests that customers have.

Understanding the specific language and keywords helps us refine our keyword research strategy. We pay attention to the words and phrases customers use to describe their needs, pain points, or preferences.

Through this approach, we can uncover unique and relevant keywords that might be overlooked by traditional keyword research methods. By incorporating these insights into our keyword research, we ensure our e-commerce store is optimized to meet our target audience’s specific language and search intent.

Adam WrightAdam Wright
CEO, Human Tonik

Consider Seasonality in Research

One thing I do differently in my e-commerce keyword research is taking seasonality into account. I analyze how search trends for certain keywords change throughout the year and adjust my SEO strategy accordingly. This allows me to take advantage of peak interest times and stay ahead of the competition.

Burak ÖzdemirBurak Özdemir
Founder, Online Alarm Kur

Integrate SEO Tools and Intent Scrutiny

Conducting e-commerce keyword research at our agency starts with understanding our client’s niche and business objectives. We then generate a list of pertinent topics and seed keywords. What sets us apart is our meticulous approach to integrating SEO tools, competitor website analysis, and search intent scrutiny to compile a list of high-potential long-tail and head keywords.

This nuanced and detail-oriented method provides a comprehensive keyword strategy, ensuring optimal SEO positioning, tailored to each client’s unique needs and goals. This is a brief overview of our usual process, demonstrating our commitment to delivering results.

Jaya IyerJaya Iyer
Marketing Assistant, Teranga Digital Marketing

Employ an “Allintitle:” Search Strategy

I start out with a keyword list using Ahrefs.

My next step is to use a manual Google search using an “allintitle:” search to find out how many other websites already have the exact keyword in their page title.

This extra step has made a big difference in ranking keywords even for lower authority sites.

Lou HavertyLou Haverty
Owner, Tank Retailer

Prioritize User Experience and Journey

We follow a systematic approach to maximize results when conducting e-commerce keyword research. Firstly, we brainstorm a list of relevant topics and product categories, ensuring it aligns with my business goals. Then, I utilize various tools to identify high-volume keywords and assess their competitiveness.

Next, we analyze the search intent behind these keywords by reviewing search engine results and user behavior. This helps me understand what users seek and we plan accordingly. Additionally, I explore long-tail keywords as they often have lower competition and higher conversion potential.

Moreover, I prioritize user experience throughout my keyword research process. I pay attention to search volume, relevance, and user intent but also consider the stage a user is in during the buyer’s journey. If a user is at the beginning of their buyer journey, we focus on educational keywords, and if they are ready to purchase, we focus on product-specific keywords.

Meesha GerhartMeesha Gerhart
CEO, Redtree Web Design

Emphasize Search Intent

The placement of keywords and the number of backlinks leading to your website were given priority by Google’s previous algorithm. Because of this, most keyword research guidance suggests employing long-tail keywords.

Google’s algorithm changed to prioritize semantics, intent, and relevance due to the prominence of low-quality backlinks and keyword-stuffed content, and keyword research tactics shifted in tandem.

One of the worst SEO mistakes you can make is to ignore search intent, which some SEOs continue to do—ignoring search intent results in websites ranking for the wrong keywords or attracting the wrong target market. Both signify lost opportunities and wasted money.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Agency

Focus on the Buyer’s Journey

To conduct e-commerce keyword research, start by understanding your business and target audience. Identify your unique selling points and value propositions.

Brainstorm seed keywords related to your industry, products, or services. Utilize keyword research tools to expand your keyword list and find relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition. Analyze competitor websites and keyword strategies to uncover keyword opportunities. Focus on long-tail keywords for better conversion potential. Consider user intent and align your keyword strategy accordingly. Analyze and refine your keyword list based on search volume, competition, and relevance to your e-commerce business.

Focus on the buyer’s journey to differentiate your approach. Instead of solely targeting transactional keywords, consider incorporating keywords that cover the awareness and consideration stages of the buyer’s journey. This has helped me to get better results.

Harsh VermaHarsh Verma
SEO, CodeDesign

Label Keywords for Relevance

My e-commerce keyword research process starts with seed keywords related to my niche. By adding seed keywords into the SEO tool (say Ahrefs or Semrush), I get a list of keyword variations and long-tail keywords.

However, most people filter out the keyword list based on keyword difficulty (KD) and search volume.

But to prioritize the keyword list, I add two new columns in the sheet such as “business relevance” and “searcher intent.”

Then I label each keyword with the appropriate business relevance or buying intent score (high/med/low) to identify keywords that are directly related to my products.

Likewise, I label each keyword with the right searcher intent score (article/product/category page) to know what type of page to create to outrank top pages in the SERP.

This keyword research process helps me filter out keywords with high search volume and low business relevance and choose keywords with high business value.

Sivaraman SSivaraman S
Founder, Qikink

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