How Can You Grow Your Network in B2B Marketing?


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How Can You Grow Your Network in B2B Marketing?

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How Can You Grow Your Network in B2B Marketing?

To help B2B marketing professionals grow their network and forge connections, we asked marketing managers and directors for their best strategies. From building meaningful partnerships to hosting live Q&A sessions, here are fifteen expert tips on expanding your professional network.

  • Build Meaningful Partnerships
  • Share Valuable Content
  • Join Online Professional Communities
  • Nurture Mutually Beneficial Relationships
  • Engage in Online Communities
  • Participate in Mastermind Groups
  • Attend Industry Events
  • Connect Authentically With Colleagues
  • Show Up to Real-Life Events
  • Utilize Unique Networking Strategies
  • Host Virtual Roundtables
  • Leverage Social Media Networks
  • Optimize LinkedIn for Networking
  • Build Genuine Relationships
  • Host Live Q&A Sessions

Build Meaningful Partnerships

Partnerships. Networking is great, but partnerships are more powerful. In business, any time you can help someone somehow, you’ll be more valuable to them than just being an acquaintance.

At our UI/UX agency, we’ve partnered with a development agency. This approach expanded our reach organically as both parties promoted the partnership to their existing clients. We refer clients to them, and they refer clients to us. This mutual support strengthens both our networks and leads to more business opportunities.

Focus on building meaningful partnerships where you can offer value. Always look for ways to support each other, as these connections can lead to long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships.

Juan Carlos MunozJuan Carlos Munoz
Co-Founder, CC Creative Design

Share Valuable Content

One effective way to attract and grow a professional network is through the creation and distribution of valuable content. At our company, we focus on producing high-quality blogs, white papers, case studies, and newsletters that not only highlight our expertise but also provide actionable insights for our readers. This strategy positions us as thought leaders and go-to experts in our field, encouraging other professionals to reach out and connect with us. Sharing this content across multiple platforms and inviting feedback and discussions fosters a sense of community and opens up avenues for new connections.

Marc BishopMarc Bishop
Director, Wytlabs

Join Online Professional Communities

Online professional communities are a great way to make new (professional) friends, especially for people working remotely. Some communities are paid, others are free, but the best part is choosing a community based on your interests and what’s really important to you. Slack is usually the enabling platform for this—splitting sub-topics in channels, having dedicated topics each day, and being able to reach out personally are all making it easy and fun.

I am part of 2 Slack communities—MostlyMarketing (Marketing & SEO) and Good Ripple (a community of changemakers working to make the world a better place). Obviously, two very different areas but both equally important to me. As a fully remote employee, there is no better way to connect and have a sense of belonging.

Hristina StefanovaHristina Stefanova
Head of Marketing Operations, Goose’n’Moose

Nurture Mutually Beneficial Relationships

Relationships are incredibly valuable in B2B marketing because connections are often how we make business decisions. Word of mouth is still the best (but most difficult-to-track) marketing source. So take the time to develop and nurture mutually beneficial connections with people in your industry.

Start by attending events and conferences. Stay in touch with people, even just through simple emails or texts. We’ve even gone as far as creating our own networking mini-events by inviting some of our referral sources to TopGolf just to hang out with one another in a casual environment. The key is to do something thoughtful for them without the expectation of something in return.

Robert CarnesRobert Carnes
Marketing Manager, GreenMellen

Engage in Online Communities

Join online communities and attend events. Online communities and virtual events are effective tools for networking as a digital marketer. Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, and subreddits allow you to connect with fellow digital marketers, share knowledge, and build meaningful relationships that go beyond geographical constraints.

When I started digital marketing, I joined several groups on Facebook and LinkedIn that were instrumental in my growth. Some of the Facebook groups I found particularly informative include Marketing Solved and Digital Marketing Hub. On LinkedIn, I joined Sales and Marketing Leaders, which discusses tips for improving conversion rates and web performance.

Ensure you actively participate in group discussions and attend virtual meetups to connect with potential collaborators and mentors. One of the connections I made through Digital Marketing Hub became my mentor, helping me navigate the complexities of marketing-attribution technology.

Dan Ben-NunDan Ben-Nun
Founder & CEO, Adspace

Participate in Mastermind Groups

A strategy we’ve utilized at our company is creating and participating in mastermind groups with other marketing professionals. These groups are typically small and focus on sharing challenges, experiences, and insights in a confidential setting. The trust and bonds formed in these groups are powerful, leading to collaborations and referrals. Such environments encourage deeper connections than typical networking events because they are centered around mutual growth and support.

Jason HennesseyJason Hennessey
CEO, Hennessey Digital

Attend Industry Events

Growing your network and forging connections as a B2B marketing professional involves a combination of strategic online and offline efforts. I started by actively participating in industry conferences, seminars, and networking events. These gatherings were invaluable for meeting peers, potential clients, and thought leaders in my field. Make it a point to engage in conversations, exchange business cards, and follow up with new contacts, and you will soon see referrals and inquiries flow in.

Jonathan HedgerJonathan Hedger
Founder and Director, Amplify Digital Marketing

Connect Authentically With Colleagues

In the world of B2B, being real and true helps us connect authentically with our colleagues. When we share common values, it’s like planting seeds for strong and friendly relationships that grow beautifully over time.

Danielle Jordan
Business Development Manager

Show Up to Real-Life Events

As a B2B marketer, the best way I found to make genuine connections is by showing up to real-life industry events. Even though we live in a digital world (or maybe even because), real-life connections are just that much more memorable and meaningful than LinkedIn requests. After the event, I like to message those that I met with a quick note about our conversation and point toward a way for us to stay in touch or even collaborate.

Hanna FHanna F
Marketer, Niceboard

Utilize Unique Networking Strategies

Forging connections and growing your network as a B2B marketing professional requires a strategic approach that goes beyond traditional networking methods. Here are some unique strategies to consider:

  • Attend or even create industry-specific events and conferences. Being outside a large city, I struggled to attend events that seemed to run often. So I launched a small networking event—run every second month—where local people in my niche could attend for casual drinks. This proved a success, and I built some great connections. I am now in the process of launching a full-blown conference! From small things, big things come.
  • Create a content series or podcast featuring interviews with industry experts, people you admire, or companies you want to work with. Not only will this provide valuable content for your audience, but it also gives you a reason to reach out and build relationships with influential individuals in your field.
  • Collaborate with complementary businesses or professionals on joint projects, webinars, or research studies. By pooling your resources and expertise, you can expand your network while delivering value to your target audience.

Remember, building a strong B2B marketing network is about quality over quantity. Focus on creating genuine, mutually beneficial relationships rather than simply collecting business cards.

Brogan RenshawBrogan Renshaw
Managing Director, Firewire Digital

Host Virtual Roundtables

Host virtual roundtables. Identify current and relevant topics within the B2B marketing industry that can attract interest. You can think of issues that address emerging trends, such as AI and video-marketing dominance or innovative solutions that other B2B professionals are eager to discuss. Invite a group of other marketers, prospective clients, and other industry experts to the virtual roundtable.

As the host, your primary role is to facilitate the discussion and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to share their insights. Prepare a list of questions and topics in advance to guide the conversation. However, flexibility is also important to allow for an organic dialogue.

Recently, I hosted a virtual roundtable, the main topic of which was “Innovative Strategies for Improving Email Deliverability in 2024.” I chose this topic because it is a pressing issue for many businesses. I invited some of our current clients, email marketing experts, and thought leaders. I used Zoom to host the virtual roundtable and sent personalized follow-up emails after the event.

I have seen great success with this approach. It has helped me expand my network and deepen relationships with existing clients.

Vladislav PodolyakoVladislav Podolyako
Founder and CEO, Folderly

Leverage Social Media Networks

Social media networks are a great tool to use when you are trying to build a network. You can use them to expand your reach and connect with other people in your industry. One of the best ways to do this is to be active in groups relating to your niche. Answer questions and start discussions to become a prominent voice.

You can also share your own content that gives advice and shares insights. Sharing your opinion on social media will lend you credibility. Others in the industry will begin to see you as an authority figure.

It makes it more likely for people to respond to you when you reach out to them. People in your industry may even start reaching out to you directly once you build trust in the community.

Aqsa TabassamAqsa Tabassam
Marketing & Public Relations Manager, Sopicks

Optimize LinkedIn for Networking

Growing your network and forging connections as a B2B marketing professional involves online and offline strategic actions. However, in today’s marketplace, it is just as easy to forge online connections without leaving your office.

LinkedIn is a powerful networking platform that can be used to grow your B2B connections. It all starts with a compelling profile that showcases your expertise and value. Staying at the forefront regularly to build connections over time involves sharing insights, commenting on industry trends, and engaging with others’ posts. LinkedIn offers a variety of tools to expand your network throughout various industry groups.

LinkedIn also offers the opportunity to showcase engaging content that provides value to your audience through article posting and newsletters. Thought-leader content is the fastest way to grow your network. It builds trust and authority online and allows for opportunities to position yourself to reach a broader audience on podcasts or webinars.

Digital Marketing Consultant, First Fig Marketing & Consulting

Build Genuine Relationships

From my experience, creating and growing network connections on platforms like LinkedIn is all about building genuine relationships rather than diving in with a sales pitch. When I start connecting with people, I focus on finding common ground—whether it’s shared interests, industry relevance, or similar professional goals.

I make it a point to engage with their content by commenting, sharing insights, and showing support. This helps build trust and credibility over time.

I’ve learned that cultivating as many genuine touchpoints as possible is key—this means initiating real conversations, offering help, and sharing valuable resources without expecting anything in return. It’s important not to rush in with an agenda but to let the relationship develop naturally.

To maintain these connections, I stay consistent in my engagement, listen actively, and always try to provide value. This approach has helped me build a strong, authentic network that’s far more beneficial in the long run.

Dan TaylorDan Taylor

Host Live Q&A Sessions

To expand my network in the SEO industry, I’ve initiated a series of live Q&A sessions on LinkedIn, addressing common e-commerce SEO challenges. These sessions have attracted both potential clients and fellow SEO professionals, leading to numerous collaborative opportunities. I also regularly contribute to industry publications, which has helped establish my expertise and opened doors to speaking engagements at marketing conferences.

Petteri PucilowskiPetteri Pucilowski
CEO, Search Engine Wizards

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