Featured Expert Pricing and Subscriptions: A Breakdown


Featured connects subject-matter experts with top publishers to increase their exposure and create Q & A content.

4 min read

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Not sure what paid plan is right for you? In this blog, we’ll break down the different plan options on Featured, how paid plans work, and what to expect from our seat structure. Whether you’re just getting started or considering an upgrade, this guide will help you find the best fit for your needs.

What are my plan options? 

There are three plan types that exist on Featured: 

  • Starter Plan
  • Pro Plan
  • Business Plan

When you sign up for an account on Featured, you are automatically placed on our free Starter Plan. This plan supports three monthly answers, the ability to track submissions, Pitch+, three keyword alerts, and AI Anwser check. 

Our Pro and Business Plans both support unlimited answers, the ability to track submissions, Pitch+ with the ability to set filters and extra controls, 25 keyword alerts, AI Anwser check, and reporting.

On the Business Plan, you can also access Bylined Articles, Interview Profiles, PR Intelligence, and Premium API access.  

Our Pro and Business Plans can either be paid for monthly or annually. Subscribing annually allows you to save 40% month-to-month. 

Featured pricing table.

Our monthly plan functions on a 30-day billing cycle, which is used to determine various actions on Featured. If you are subscribed to an annual plan, a 30-day marker will also be used, which is determined by the date of purchase. 

How are paid plans structured?

Featured’s Pro and Business plans both function on a seat structure. The only difference between Pro and Business is what features you can access; there is no difference in how seats are applied. 

On Featured, a singular paid seat can be applied to a singular expert profile. Once a paid seat is applied to an expert profile by submitting an answer, that seat now becomes an Active Seat. 

An “Active Seat” refers to a paid seat that has been applied to an expert profile by submitting an answer to a publisher question.

Simply put, one seat = one profile. With that, you are able to apply one paid seat to any profile you have created, and that profile will have access to unlimited responses for the duration of your billing cycle. When your billing cycle renews in 30 days, you can assign your paid seat to a different profile if desired.

Can I change my Active Seat at any time?

Featured does not support the ability to change or apply your Active Seat to a different expert profile midway through the billing cycle. You can only change which expert profile an Active Seat is applied towards at the start of a new 30-day billing cycle. 

What if I apply my Active Seat to the wrong profile?

If you accidentally submit an answer from the wrong profile and apply an Active Seat to an unwanted profile, you can delete the answer to release the Active Seat. Answers can only be deleted if the question is still In Review and open for new submissions. 

If a question is open for submissions, you will see the orange trashcan icon in the Actions column. This means you can delete your answer.

How do I apply my paid seat to a profile, making it an Active Seat?

An Active Seat is applied to an expert profile by submitting an answer. Check out this Loom video to see the steps you’ll want to take to apply your paid seat(s). 


Do I have to have the same number of seats that I have of expert profiles?

Nope! You are welcome to have more expert profiles on your account than paid seats. Just remember you won’t be able to submit insights from every profile unless you have an equal number of paid seats. 

Can I add more seats mid-billing cycle?

Yes! You can always add more seats to your plan. If you add an additional seat to your plan mid-billing cycle, you’ll initially pay a prorated amount based on how many days are left in your current 30-day billing cycle.

What happens if I don’t use one of my paid seats?

If you don’t use one of your paid seats, your plan will not change. Featured does not adjust or alter plans based on usage. We also don’t support refunds for unused periods. 

Can I lower my seat count at any time? Or do I have to cancel altogether? 

Of course! You can always add or reduce your paid seat count for the Billing page of your Featured account. You do not need to cancel your plan completely to adjust your paid seat count. If you decrease your seat account, changes won’t occur until your next billing cycle. Additions occur immediately. 

Does Featured support anything in between the Starter plan and a paid plan?

We do! If the free starter plan isn’t enough answers, but a paid plan is too much, you can always look to purchase individual credits. 

Credits can also be used on top of paid plans if you want to submit insights from an expert profile that does not have an active seat applied. 

 You can learn about all things credits here.

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