Byline Article Requirements & Best Practices


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Featured Byline Article Requirements & Best Practices

Experts on Featured’s Business plan have the ability to choose a source and topic relevant to their expertise and submit a bylined article contribution for the chance to be published.

This blog discusses the:

  1. Article Requirements
  2. Content Limitations
  3. Link Policy
  4. Additional Guidelines
  5. Best Practices

Article Requirements

Please ensure your article adheres to the following criteria:

  • Originality: Your content must be original and not previously published elsewhere, including on your blog, LinkedIn, or newsletter.
  • Word Count: Articles should be between 500-1000 words, with 700-800 words being the ideal length.
  • Structure: Include both an introduction and a conclusion.
  • Source Attribution: Attribute all sources with hyperlinks, ensuring they are trustworthy (avoid Wikipedia). Use data from the last two years.
  • Linking Policy: Only link to reputable, authoritative websites. Do not include keyword links, affiliate links, lead-gen links, company links, or client links.
  • Quoted Material: If you include material verbatim from a trusted source, use double quotes and hyperlink to the original. Interviews or quotes from third parties are not allowed. 
  • Fact-Checking: Ensure all information is accurate before submission.
  • Content Type: No press releases. Publishers want advice and expert opinions in an article format..
  • No Self-Promotion: Avoid conflicts of interest and self-promotion. 
  • Authorship: Articles must have a single author. No co-authors.
  • Media: Do not include photos, videos, or special formatting. Just text.
  • Book Content: Avoid excerpts from your books, though discussing concepts from them is acceptable.
  • Content Standards: Do not submit offensive, partisan, or discriminatory content. We do not publish articles on religion or politics, and inflammatory or obscene language is prohibited.
  • Objective Recommendations: Avoid overly favorable mentions or listicles about vendors, products, public figures, or acquaintances. When making recommendations, explain your reasoning and provide multiple reputable alternatives. Avoid brand mentions if there’s a conflict of interest. An overly positive mention can be loosely defined as the subject matter benefiting more than the reader by not acknowledging limitations or opposing views.
  • Realistic Statements: Do not make statements guaranteeing success or results (e.g., “these 3 SEO tactics guarantee page one visibility”).
  • Balanced Insight: Just as we do not allow overly favorable mentions, publishers also will not publish articles criticizing companies or individuals. Focus on providing balanced, tactical insights.

Content Limitations

Please note that some articles may be off-limits or scrutinized by publishers. Here’s a short list of limitations with articles and article topics.

  • Your Money, Your Life Topics: Articles that might be perceived as legal, financial, or health advice will be scrutinized. For these topics, editors may require additional sources or supplementary information to support claims. When necessary, editors may also add standard disclaimers to the end of the article.
  • Off-Limit Topics: Articles related to Religion, Politics, and Multi-level Marketing will not be submitted to publishers for consideration.
  • Current Events: Articles about specific current events and subject matters that might be considered controversial may be declined by publishers. 
  • Avoid specific recommendations or endorsements: If you’re a financial advisor, do not write about any currency, stock, or financial instrument that your company/subsidiary sells or trades. If you’re a qualified medical expert, do not diagnose or prescribe individuals on health matters.
  • Avoid guarantees and prescriptive language: Don’t use language like, “Take this medication and you will cure your condition.” Instead, use language like, “If you decide to take this medication, I have seen cases where patients experienced significant improvement.” 

Link Policy

Experts will receive a byline with a link to your company in contributed articles. Here are a few link policies to follow within articles. Violation of a link policy will result in removal from Featured.

  • Do not include links to your company, product, services or clients within an article. Any links in the body of your article must either benefit the reader or support a statement of fact.
  • Authoritative and trusted sources: If you do link to third-party sources, they must be authoritative, trusted sources such as major trade publications, research reports, and reputable news media. Links to company websites or blog posts on company websites may be removed by publishers.
  • No affiliate or lead-gen links: Link schemes, affiliate links, lead-gen links, links to your own company or clients are not permitted and will be removed by publishers. 

Additional Guidelines

For additional questions, please contact Otherwise, here are additional guidelines for bylined articles. 

  • Byline Information: Bylines and links cannot be changed post-publication. When submitting an article, please make sure your byline is one sentence long with one static URL link.
  • Editorial Discretion: Publishers can edit all submitted content for grammar, clarity, and style, and will notify you of significant changes. Offensive or commercial links will be removed.
  • Publication Guarantees: Final publication decisions rest with the publishers you select, and articles may need revisions. We strive to feature you and your insights, but cannot guarantee that all articles will be published.
  • Conflicts of Interest: Disclose any financial interests related to your content, and avoid writing about financial instruments your company deals with. Sponsored content and solicitations are prohibited.
  • Accuracy, Copyrights & Fact Checking: Ensure your facts are accurate and you have permission to use any copyrighted or confidential information. Editors will verify where possible, but the responsibility lies with you.
  • Confidentiality: Respect the privacy, confidentiality, and intellectual property of mentioned parties. 
  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and submissions are checked for originality. Violations result in dismissal.
  • AI-Generated Content: Submissions must be original and not AI-generated. Detected AI content will not be published.
  • Attribution, Credit & Sources: Quote and reference reputable sources with clear citations, and avoid over-reliance on external sources. Readers seek your firsthand insights, not third-party quotes.
  • Intellectual Property, Confidentiality, Representation and Warranties: By submitting content, you agree that you have the right and consent of the author to grant Featured and Featured Publishers exclusive first publication rights and the perpetual right to reuse the work. Your name and likeness may be used for promotional purposes. Violation will result in removal from Featured and may also be subject to legal action.

Best Practices

Here’s a brief summary of what publishers want from your article:

  • Share Your Expertise: Write about your industry and area of expertise. Publishers are looking for expert advice, how-to guides, and commentary on business topics based on your personal experiences. Publishers want to share your unique insights with their readers. Focus on a topic where you have the most knowledge.
  • Avoid Self-Promotion: Publishers want your best tactical advice and industry knowledge, not a sales pitch to their readers. Refrain from writing about how your product, company, service, or client is the best solution. (Publishers won’t consider such content.) Instead, aim to inform and educate an audience. Providing useful content enhances your visibility and creates new opportunities.
  • Provide Unique Insights: Steer clear of generic advice that readers have already encountered. Offer specific, tactical, and fresh perspectives on your favorite subjects. For example, think “4 Pro Strategies For Pricing a New Product” instead of “4 Top Pricing Tips.”
  • Use Accessible Language: Avoid jargon, lengthy quotes, or academic-style writing. Publishers prefer straightforward, easy-to-share, and easy-to-understand content.
  • Offer Actionable Takeaways: Ensure an audience can remember and apply your advice. The best way to remain top-of-mind is by offering valuable, actionable insights. Don’t leave a reader without clear, practical advice.


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