What is one benefit of joining a professional association?
To help you determine if joining a professional association is a smart decision for you, we asked professional experts and business leaders this question for their best tips. From learning about the latest news in your field to meeting like-minded people, there are several reasons why joining a professional association could be beneficial to you!
Here are seven benefits of joining a professional association:
- Get Notice of Industry Changes
- Learn the Latest in Your Field
- Grow From Networking Opportunities
- Build Your Credibility
- Secure Internships and New Roles
- Give Back to Your Industry
- Meet Like-Minded People
Get Notice of Industry Changes
It’s amazing how much one piece of legislation can impact a profession, especially in health related industries. A section in most professional association websites is usually devoted to updating members about these changes. They also advocate for the profession and notify members about how to prepare for any change that may impact their business. This is helpful as a business owner of a dental laboratory to prepare for any legislation changes.
Henry Babicheknko, Stomadent
Learn the Lastest in Your Field
The biggest benefit of recently joining the Pigging Products & Services Association is the continuous learning opportunities. Through this organization, we have access to conferences, white papers, and countless networking opportunities! These resources allow us to stay up to date with changes in our industry and continue serving top tier service to our customers.
Blake Murphey, American Pipeline Solutions
Grow From Networking Opportunities
There are many amazing benefits to joining a professional association. As a proud member of the Better Business Bureau (BBB), we benefit from the networking opportunities and brand credibility, which ultimately attracts new business. The same is also true of many other professional associations, so depending on your industry, as a small business I highly recommend joining one.
Chris Abrams, Abrams Insurance Solutions
Build Your Credibility
One of the biggest benefits of joining a professional association is the credibility and legitimacy that comes with being a member. Being a member of a professional association boosts the credibility of your resume and your qualifications. Potential employers will take note of this membership, and it will definitely play in your favour during selection.
Carol Tompkins, AccountsPortal
Secure Internships and New Roles
One benefit, particularly for college students, is that professional associations can offer internship and job opportunities. These associations can serve as a starting point for students looking to build a career as soon as they get out of college. As you progress in your career, you can use your professional association for networking opportunities as well.
Derin Oyekan, Reel Paper
Give Back to Your Industry
Associations are typically known for the training, resources, and networking opportunities they offer members. However, seasoned professionals can also step up to help junior members through mentoring, coaching, and teaching roles. Being of service provides a clear win for others, but it also raises your profile and brands you as a thought leader in the space.
Tim Toterhi, Plotline Leadership
Meet Like-Minded People
The benefits of joining a professional association can be many fold. There are several obvious ones such as networking, catching up on the latest industry trends and developments, or polishing your professional skills. However, in this professional advancement-focused world, we sometimes forget another lovely benefit and by-product of joining an association – namely meeting like-minded people.
We all know that “birds of the feather flock together” and this definitely rings true in this scenario as well. Odds are quite high that those you meet are as driven, career-focused, professional, and action-oriented as yourself. However, meeting people in this context can be a great way to strike up potential new friendships. The career overlap can easily spill over into other areas of life, so don’t be surprised if you share some common hobbies, perspectives, or values. Before you know it you might become work-out buddies or go on a camping trip. In short, be open to all outcomes, as you simply never know.
Bart Turczynski, ResumeLab
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