Boost Your LinkedIn Post Visibility With These 17 Effective Strategies


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Boost Your LinkedIn Post Visibility With These 17 Effective Strategies

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Boost Your LinkedIn Post Visibility With These 17 Effective Strategies

In the digital age, standing out on LinkedIn can be a game changer for professionals and businesses alike. We’ve gathered seventeen strategies from CEOs, marketing directors, and other experts to boost your LinkedIn visibility. From boosting engagement with timely interactions to sharing in industry groups for expertise, discover how these leaders are enhancing their social media presence.

  • Boost Engagement With Timely Interactions
  • Tag Influencers to Expand Reach
  • Share Authentic Stories for Relatability
  • Apply the N.E.V.A. Posting Formula
  • Invite Reader Responses to Engage
  • Provide Value to Gain Visibility
  • Comment Strategically to Foster Community
  • Create Cohesive Topical Threading Series
  • Optimize Media for LinkedIn Algorithm
  • Use Closing Questions to Spark Discussion
  • Promote Events for Broader Exposure
  • Prioritize LinkedIn’s Native Video
  • Craft Eye-Catching Hooks for Attention
  • Leverage Employee Sharing and Group Engagement
  • Stick to Niche and Avoid External Links
  • Enhance Posts With Strategic Emojis
  • Share in Industry Groups for Expertise

Boost Engagement With Timely Interactions

I’d say leveraging the power of engagement. I make it a point to interact with comments and messages within the first hour of posting. This helps boost my post’s engagement metrics, making it more likely to appear in other users’ feeds and hinting to LinkedIn that I am active on the platform.

I also leverage LinkedIn’s native features to enrich my posts. I incorporate multimedia elements like images and videos. I’ve observed that incorporating multimedia elements tends to attract more attention than plain text. Tagging industry influencers or colleagues in my posts also helps, as it nudges them to engage and share with their own networks. By combining these efforts, I’ve seen a significant rise in both engagement and visibility, enhancing my LinkedIn presence.

Tristan HarrisTristan Harris
Demand Generation Senior Marketing Manager, Thrive Digital Marketing Agency

Tag Influencers to Expand Reach

One of the most effective strategies to increase the visibility of your LinkedIn posts is to tag influencers and relevant people within your network. Start by identifying key influencers and connections whose audience aligns with yours. Tag these individuals in your posts to draw their attention and encourage engagement.

Once you’ve tagged them, actively monitor your post and engage with any comments or interactions from the tagged individuals. This helps keep the conversation active, further boosting your post’s visibility.

By strategically tagging influencers and relevant people, you can leverage their networks to expand the reach and engagement of your content. This not only increases your visibility but also helps establish you as a thought leader in your field.

Steven RosenSteven Rosen
Executive Coach, STAR Results

Share Authentic Stories for Relatability

LinkedIn is, in effect, a knowledge-sharing platform. Global members access the site to glean new insights, learn from their peers, and grow their knowledge and understanding.

That said, LinkedIn is also much more than that! It is a vibrant community where ideas, connections, leads, and support are shared by people who are vastly different from us and whom we may never meet in person.

The best-performing LinkedIn posts are those that tell a true and authentic story that people can relate to. When you share an experience, perspective, situation, or opportunity, you allow others to learn and grow in their professional journey. A good LinkedIn post is a combination of information and insight PLUS authenticity and heart. Once people start engaging with a post, its visibility (reach) increases.

Recently, I shared a vulnerable post about a conference where I was speaking. In this video post, I shared how I was stepping out of my comfort zone by trying some new techniques and introducing some more vulnerable stories. By including my followers and connections in the experience I had, I was able to share skills I’ve learned which they might just be introduced to.

The result was overwhelming support and visibility. While most of my audience won’t need to prepare for an audience of 500 executives, my authentic story connected them better to the message than just an infographic might have done.

Lida CitroënLida Citroën

Apply the N.E.V.A. Posting Formula

Try this technique, and you’ll never post on LinkedIn the same way ever again.

N = Newsworthy. Consider when writing why what you’re sharing is newsworthy for your ideal target audience. Your posts aren’t really about you; they are about them.

E = Engage. Tag people and make the post about them. Consider a “Marketing Monday” where you feature someone in your network who is doing an amazing job marketing themselves on LinkedIn. Tag them and their company by using the @ sign. After the post is published, ask them to comment to help bring visibility to the post.

V = Visual. Use a visual item to create interest in your post. It could be a screen capture of someone’s LinkedIn top header card, a group selfie photo captured at an event, or even a video clip.

A = Action. What do you want people to do next after reading your post? “Comment below with your thoughts.” “Tag in someone who might be interested.” “Add in anything I’ve missed.” “Comment if you know this person too.” Then, reply back to every comment. LinkedIn rewards engaging posts (those with comments and replies) with more impressions!

Brenda MellerBrenda Meller
Chief Engagement Officer & LinkedIn Coach, Meller Marketing

Invite Reader Responses to Engage

An achievable way to increase visibility on your LinkedIn posts is to first increase engagement! End each of your posts with an invitation for the reader to respond. Ask them a question about the topic, ask them to share a similar experience or challenge, or ask if they can relate to your thoughts. By giving your current readers an easy way to engage with your post, they’ll be more likely to do so, which in turn will help increase your visibility. Everybody wins!

Kristie StatutoKristie Statuto
Website Copywriter, Kristie Anne Copy

Provide Value to Gain Visibility

In my experience, one effective strategy I use to increase visibility for my LinkedIn posts is to focus on providing value to my connections. Rather than solely promoting myself or my business, I aim to share thoughtful insights, useful advice, or helpful resources that would benefit others in my industry.

For example, as a marketing consultant, I may share tips on low-cost ways small businesses can improve their digital presence. Or I might highlight an insightful case study or new industry research. The goal is to post content that sparks interest and discussion, not just self-promotion.

I find this approach leads to more authentic engagement and sharing of my content. When I give value, I gain visibility. My connections appreciate the knowledge I contribute and are more inclined to actively interact with my posts. Though it requires consistency and thoughtful content curation, focusing on value drives visibility better than any gimmick or tactic I’ve tried over the years.

Gert KullaGert Kulla
CEO, Batlinks

Comment Strategically to Foster Community

Comments are your best friend if you want to increase visibility, but you need a strategy. Comment on posts relevant to your topic so people may reciprocate your comment with a comment on your post. LinkedIn is not just a job-search website; it’s also a community, and you need to have a giver mindset. And the best gift you can give is commenting and supporting other creators. Go beyond the “like” and add thoughtful comments, including why you agree with the author, your experience, or what else you would add to improve the content.

For instance, if you’re a marketing professional, you could share a personal experience related to the post. The goal is to have a peer mindset, not a competitor one. Supporting and sharing your thoughts politely will help you make connections that could become friends. Those friends can vouch for you in the future, tag you in posts, and talk about you with other creators so others can connect and support you. Give more than you take: comment more, especially on relevant posts related to your content, and people will begin to help you, too.

Ana GoehnerAna Goehner
Career Well-Being Strategist, Digital Butterfly Communications, LLC

Create Cohesive Topical Threading Series

Our most effective strategy is what we call “topical threading.”

Topical threading involves creating a series of interconnected posts around a central theme, mirroring our topical map approach to building topical authority in SEO. Here’s how it works:

  1. We choose a core topic relevant to our expertise, like “Content Hierarchy in SEO.”
  2. We create a series of 5-7 posts, each exploring a subtopic in depth.
  3. Each post links back to previous ones in the series, creating a cohesive narrative.

For example, we recently ran a topical thread on “topical maps.” The first post introduced the concept, subsequent posts covered creating maps, using maps, measurement methods, case studies, and practical applications.

This approach increased our average post views and boosted engagement rates. The final post in the series, which summarized key takeaways, received 3x more shares than our typical posts.

Topical threading not only improves visibility but also establishes our thought leadership in specific areas, directly contributing to our brand authority and client acquisition efforts.

Yoyao HsuehYoyao Hsueh

Optimize Media for LinkedIn Algorithm

One of the most fundamental things to consider when aiming to increase post visibility is the media you’re using and its format.

LinkedIn, as a platform, prioritizes human interactions and the building of networks, and the way the algorithm responds to posts reflects this. Due to this, posts with a “Link Preview” will have lower visibility, as these are seen as too “salesy.” Also, posts with just one image that is fairly plain, overly branded, or unrelated to the content in the post will receive lower visibility. So, make sure to avoid formats that the platform actively discourages.

Instead, use media that actively encourages the actions that the platform is aiming for. Photos of people deliver on the “networking” aim, and documents full of insights provide the value they want. These will, therefore, gain strong visibility. Plus, remember that any social platform looks for engagement as an indicator that your content is helpful and worth the reach, so always use media that encourages this—multiple photos that people can look through, or a “document” post that people can swipe through.

Properly considering the media you attach to your posts, and developing it according to what LinkedIn wants from content, is one of the most direct ways you can increase your post visibility.

Alex MyersAlex Myers
Head of Marketing, The SEO Works

Use Closing Questions to Spark Discussion

One strategy I’ve found really effective for increasing visibility on my LinkedIn posts is to always include a closing question. It’s like adding a cherry on top of a sundae. Not only does this bring a personal touch, but it also opens up the floor for discussion, letting my followers weigh in with their thoughts.

I see asking questions as a way to kick off some virtual water-cooler chatter and spark conversations within my network. By tossing out a thought-provoking question, I invite my audience to share their insights, experiences, and viewpoints.

You never know, I might learn something new or make a valuable connection through these interactions. So, I always try to get creative with my questions and enjoy watching the engagement grow. After all, creating connections and fostering a sense of community is what social media is really all about.

Patrick BeltranPatrick Beltran
Marketing Director, Ardoz Digital

Promote Events for Broader Exposure

Creating and promoting LinkedIn Events is a game-changer for increasing your posts’ visibility. Think about setting up events for webinars, workshops, or networking opportunities relevant to your audience. When you host an event, it doesn’t just reach your connections; it can extend to their networks as well. This ripple effect can dramatically expand your reach and get more eyes on your content.

Another benefit? Events create anticipation. They give your audience something to look forward to and engage with. When people interact with your event posts, it boosts your visibility in LinkedIn’s algorithm, making your other posts more likely to show up in their feeds. Engaging content plus strategic event promotion can turn your LinkedIn profile into a hub of activity, greatly enhancing your online presence.

Casey MerazCasey Meraz
CEO, Juris Digital

Prioritize LinkedIn’s Native Video

Use LinkedIn’s native video functionality rather than linking to YouTube or Vimeo. It took me a long time to figure out that this feature even exists, but after a bit of research, it is quite clear that LinkedIn prioritizes content made with their video player over those that link to external videos. It can’t be content longer than 10 minutes, but LinkedIn really does seem to like video content using this platform, so it is definitely worth it to record a few things and try your luck.

Kate KandeferKate Kandefer
CEO, SEOwind

Craft Eye-Catching Hooks for Attention

To boost the visibility of your LinkedIn posts, it’s crucial to use eye-catching hooks. Why? Think about how you usually browse content. You’re scrolling quickly, and only a standout headline or image can make you stop. That’s the power of a great hook.

So, how do I create one? I start by understanding my audience. What do they find intriguing? What are their pain points? Then, I use this information to craft a concise, impactful statement that will spark curiosity. For instance, if I’m sharing a blog post about improving SEO, my hook could be something like, “How my site’s traffic doubled in six weeks.”

Remember, the goal is to grab attention immediately. It’s a competitive space out there, and you have only seconds to make an impact. Make every word count, and watch your post engagement soar.

Tim HansonTim Hanson
Cco, PenFriend

Leverage Employee Sharing and Group Engagement

LinkedIn for B2B marketers must be part of your overall social lead strategy, either through organic posts and outreach or through paid ads targeting very specific industries or job titles. There are several insider tips on increasing the exposure of your LinkedIn posts. I am happy to provide a few that have worked for me and my business:

  1. Employee LinkedIn Post Sharing – When an employee of a company shares their company’s LinkedIn post and has the company they work at listed on their LinkedIn profile, LinkedIn’s algorithms give both the company page and the employee some extra “social juice.” Employees who share company content on average receive 8x more engagement than if the company/brand shared the same content. This is because LinkedIn favors posts shared by current staff for companies/brands and adds to the legitimacy of their profile/page. On average, these types of shared posts are also re-shared more frequently than other content.
  1. Engage in Groups – Many users of LinkedIn join groups but rarely publish, post, or engage with other users in the group. Take your time, find relevant groups you want to market to, and engage with the group and its contacts on a personal B2B level; this is not an avenue to hard pitch. Stay a relevant contact within the group by not posting a sales pitch but rather actual insights that users within the group can learn from.
  1. Hashtags and Tags… YOU’RE IT! – I know, hashtags are still around…but for good reason. They assist the algorithms and user search results on industry-related posts using proper hashtags. Do some research on the types of hashtags relevant to your business and include a mixture of targeted hashtags and trending hashtags. But do not oversaturate your post with hashtags; 7-10 is the maximum.


Stick to Niche and Avoid External Links

To increase visibility on my LinkedIn posts, I stick to my niche, provide interesting or helpful information, and often include an image. It can be tempting to be vague or abstract on LinkedIn, but I’ve found that the more I dial in on what I’m passionate about, the more visibility my posts have. It’s important to post content that is useful or entertaining to my audience, or else it is a waste of their time. I also avoid including external links in the body copy of my LinkedIn posts because that usually decreases visibility.

Nicole Denson
Marketing Manager, Big Leap

Enhance Posts With Strategic Emojis

Emojis are a great way to make our posts more engaging and visually appealing. Not only that, but emojis also make our posts easier to read by breaking up text with a visual component. On LinkedIn, where professional networking meets social engagement, it is not uncommon to see text-heavy content. Adding emojis makes our content more accessible. Emojis also work wonders in emphasizing the message we want to convey, allowing us to express nuances and emotions that plain text can’t. They make our messages stand out, adding a touch of personality and enhancing the overall impact of our content.

James BowdlerJames Bowdler
Founder, PrimeCarers

Share in Industry Groups for Expertise

Join the industry groups where you can build connections with other industry leaders. When you post on LinkedIn, you can also share the same post in the group to encourage them to give it a read. By doing this, you are not only demonstrating your expertise in the field but also increasing the visibility of your post. If they really like your post, they will definitely repost it, which gives your post an extra boost of visibility.

This has been my go-to strategy to push my LinkedIn posts or what I share on my feed. The good part is that I get to make connections through it, which helps me learn more about the industry.

Damian ComitoDamian Comito
Director, Lavish Limousines

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