How Can Engaging With Influencers Boost Brand Visibility?


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How Can Engaging With Influencers Boost Brand Visibility?

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How Can Engaging With Influencers Boost Brand Visibility?

Engaging with influencers is not just about making a connection; it’s about creating impactful partnerships. With insights from a CEO and founder and a founder and managing director, this guide unlocks key strategies to amplify your brand’s presence on social media. Learn how customizing campaigns for influencers and engaging with industry-specific influencers can be game-changers for your marketing endeavors. Gain from a total of sixteen insights that bridge the gap between brand and influencer, starting with how to customize campaigns and culminating in building authentic relationships first.

  • Customize Campaigns for Influencers
  • Build Authentic Relationships
  • Treat Influencers as Collaborators
  • Develop Personalized Outreach Strategies
  • Focus on Storytelling
  • Balance Relationships with Influencers
  • Consider Micro-Influencers for Niche Markets
  • Create Authentic Content with Influencers
  • Provide Products and Discount Codes
  • Offer Unique Experiences
  • Collaborate on Live Events
  • Encourage Honest Reviews
  • Build Long-Term Relationships
  • Allow Influencers Creative Freedom
  • Engage with Industry-Specific Influencers
  • Build Authentic Relationships First

Customize Campaigns for Influencers

We realized early on that the key to effective influencer engagement is customization. When working with influencers, we tailor our campaigns to align with their unique voice and audience. One influencer we worked with loved storytelling, so we designed a campaign around her personal journey with our services, which sparked a 25% rise in engagement rates.

Don’t give influencers a script. Allow them creative freedom within your brand’s messaging. This creates more authentic content that feels natural to their audience, driving better results.

Sahil KakkarSahil Kakkar
CEO & Founder, RankWatch

Build Authentic Relationships

The key is to approach influencers genuinely and build authentic relationships. When working on a customer’s project, I start by researching influencers who align with the client’s brand values and audience. It’s important to connect with those who genuinely resonate with the offer.

Once I’ve identified potential partners, it’s time to reach out with some personalized messages (which is very important). Instead of just pitching a collaboration, I take the time to share why we love their work and how we see a partnership benefiting both parties. This often leads to more meaningful conversations.

I also love involving influencers in our content creation. Whether it’s co-hosting a live event, creating joint giveaways, or having them share their honest experiences, it makes the engagement feel more authentic. Their followers can sense when something is genuine, which helps build trust.

Finally, I ensure there’s ongoing communication. After any campaign, I like to follow up and discuss what worked well and how we can improve. This not only strengthens the relationship but also sets the stage for future collaborations. By focusing on authenticity and collaboration, we can create impactful partnerships that can go a long way.

Kate DzhevagaKate Dzhevaga
CMO, Head of Growth, SYMVOLT

Treat Influencers as Collaborators

Here’s the thing no one talks about: stop thinking of influencers as influencers. Think of them as collaborators, almost like mini-business partners.

Most brands throw money at them for a quick shoutout, but that’s surface-level. Instead, approach them with a genuine offer to co-create.

It’s not just, “Hey, promote my product,” but, “Let’s build something together that fits your audience and mine.”

Give them creative freedom, involve them in product development, or even let them have a say in your campaign.

When they feel like they’re part of something bigger than just a transaction, that’s when they actually care, and caring is what drives engagement—not just clicks.

Austin BentonAustin Benton
Marketing Consultant, Gotham Artists

Develop Personalized Outreach Strategies

Effectively engaging with influencers to boost brand visibility on social media requires a strategic approach. Start by identifying influencers whose audience aligns with your target market and whose values resonate with your brand. Research their content, engagement rates, and follower demographics to ensure a good fit.

Develop a personalized outreach strategy for each influencer, highlighting how a partnership could benefit both parties. Offer value beyond monetary compensation, such as exclusive products, early access to launches, or behind-the-scenes experiences. Create clear campaign objectives and provide influencers with guidelines, while allowing creative freedom. This balance ensures brand consistency while leveraging the influencer’s unique voice and style.

Collaborate on content that feels authentic and integrates seamlessly with the influencer’s feed. Avoid overly-promotional material, focusing instead on storytelling and genuine experiences with your brand. Utilize various content formats like posts, stories, reels, or live streams to maximize reach and engagement. Encourage two-way communication by having influencers respond to comments and foster discussions about your brand.

Always remember that transparency is key. Ensure all sponsored content is properly disclosed to maintain trust with both the influencer’s audience and your brand’s followers.

Matt EarleMatt Earle

Focus on Storytelling

Focus on storytelling rather than product promotion to effectively engage with influencers and boost brand visibility. The best way? Let influencers tell your brand’s story through their own lens. This approach works because it taps into followers’ emotional connection with the influencer. People want more than just to see products—they wish to see how those products fit into a lifestyle they aspire to.

Think mini-documentaries: instead of forced product plugs, your brand becomes a natural part of their daily life. Whether it’s a fitness influencer incorporating your gear into their routine or a fashion blogger casually styling your pieces, the key is authenticity—the audience should feel like they’re watching a story unfold, not a commercial. As followers connect with stories, not ads, seeing your product fitting seamlessly into a lifestyle they admire builds trust and loyalty. Subtle, yet powerful.

Agata SzczepanekAgata Szczepanek
Career Expert & Community Manager, LiveCareer

Balance Relationships with Influencers

The key to effective engagement is to balance both sides of the relationship. If you’re only engaging with influencers to hire them or get them to follow you, you’re not creating a solid foundation on reciprocity. Build trust and credibility by sharing other influencers’ content without expecting them to do the same. Take the time to add meaningful comments that build conversational value rather than one-off, shallow comments meant primarily to maintain a presence. To maintain a solid presence, you have to be present. You can’t keep score or expect to get results with minimal effort.

Elisa MontanariElisa Montanari
Head of Organic Growth, Wrike

Consider Micro-Influencers for Niche Markets

The best strategy I’ve found is to carefully consider your reach when looking to pair with an influencer. It can be a misuse of marketing funds to aim too high, especially if, like Bemana, you’re a niche company. Small- and mid-sized businesses should consider so-called micro-influencers. These brand operatives tend to have limited but loyal followers. Matching up with them requires a deeper dive than just checking engagement scores. You are going to want to examine their audience stats carefully and take the time required to ensure parallels with your clients and customers.

These kinds of partnerships can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace and often give more bang for the buck than far-reaching influencers dabbling in multiple industries.

Linn AtiyehLinn Atiyeh
CEO, Bemana

Create Authentic Content with Influencers

Working with influencers is all about telling a great story. I focus on influencers who can authentically share their experiences with our party-lighting products. By collaborating with them, we create content that connects deeply with their followers, showcasing how our products elevate celebrations.

I recently teamed up with a lifestyle influencer who hosted a garden party featuring our lights. Instead of a standard product placement, I sent her a range of our lights along with a personalized note explaining how to set them up. She documented her entire experience on social media, sharing photos and tips. This authentic portrayal drove engagement and showcased the versatility of our products, boosting sales during the party season.

Matt LittleMatt Little
Founder & Managing Director, Festoon House

Provide Products and Discount Codes

Collaboration is key. Send these influencers products to try and give them a discount code to share with their followers. You can track every sale with that code and provide them with a portion of the total sales. With that, they will be eager to promote your brand because they will gain something from it. However, to make the collaboration more effective, collaborate with influencers that match the type of audience that you want to target. Because if you choose the wrong one, it won’t work.

Magda CalleryMagda Callery
Founder | Interior Designer, Style By Magda

Offer Unique Experiences

I’ve found that authenticity is key.

I start by identifying influencers whose values align with our brand and who genuinely appreciate high-quality design. Once I’ve pinpointed a few, I reach out with a personalized message.

I make sure to highlight what I admire about their work and explain how a collaboration could be mutually beneficial. Offering a unique experience—like exclusive access to our latest projects or a behind-the-scenes look at our creative process—often gets them interested.

When we do collaborate, I ensure we provide them with high-quality content that showcases our work beautifully. Whether it’s stunning renderings or engaging stories about the design process, I want them to have the best material to share with their followers.

We also actively interact with their posts and show appreciation for their work. It’s all about creating a community around our brand, and when influencers genuinely connect with us, it amplifies our reach and credibility in the luxury market.

Lukas BerezowiecLukas Berezowiec
CEO & Founder, No Triangle Studio

Collaborate on Live Events

Collaborating on live events, such as Fortnite tournaments, is one of the best ways I’ve boosted brand visibility through influencer partnerships. We promote the event across our social platforms, and it attracts attention from both our audiences of gamers.

I always remind myself that it’s key to find influencers whose followers align with your target audience, so the collaboration makes sense.

Hugh Hugh “DestinysJesus” Gilmour
Director, DestinysJesus LTD

Encourage Honest Reviews

I always encourage influencers to give honest reviews, even if they aren’t entirely positive, as it builds authenticity and credibility. Genuine feedback resonates more with audiences, making the influencer’s endorsement feel more trustworthy and reliable.

This approach also helps me understand customer perceptions better, offering opportunities for product improvement. Encouraging transparency leads to a more natural relationship between the influencer, their followers, and my brand.

In the end, this openness results in deeper trust and a more loyal customer base.

Rain YangRain Yang
Founder & CEO, WoodenAve

Build Long-Term Relationships

We found that building genuine, long-term relationships with influencers works far better than one-off collaborations. A few years ago, we partnered with a micro-influencer in the tech niche who had a smaller but highly-engaged audience. By involving them in our product-development process and offering behind-the-scenes insights, they became passionate advocates of our brand, resulting in a 40% increase in brand visibility over six months. Treat influencers like partners, not just promotional channels. Their authentic enthusiasm will shine through, creating more impactful content that resonates with their followers.

Victor Julio CoupéVictor Julio Coupé
Partnerships Manager, Digital Web Solutions

Allow Influencers Creative Freedom

The most effective way to engage with influencers, in our experience, is to never limit their creativity. Influencers know best what their audience engages with, their favorite calls-to-action, and which integration format is most effective. We usually set broad guidelines on what we don’t want (obscene, offensive, or otherwise immoral content) and let the influencer guide the process. The influencer had enough creativity and personality to get to where they are, so they will certainly have enough to guide the ad-placement process.

Grigory SilanyanGrigory Silanyan
Founder, ReadPartner Inc.

Engage with Industry-Specific Influencers

Engaging with influencers in the equipment-valuation space means finding voices that genuinely connect with our industry. I prioritize influencers who understand heavy machinery and have a following that reflects our target audience.

That said, I reached out to a well-known construction-industry influencer with a substantial online presence. Instead of a typical promotional post, I offered them the chance to participate in a live Q&A session about equipment valuation. This collaboration allowed us to share our expertise directly while providing their followers with valuable insights.

Tracie CritesTracie Crites
Chief Marketing Officer, HEAVY Equipment Appraisal

Build Authentic Relationships First

Effectively engaging with influencers to boost brand visibility starts with authentic relationship-building. Instead of going straight to a sales pitch, I focus on genuinely understanding the influencer’s content and audience. Once, when collaborating with a micro-influencer for a local campaign, I spent time interacting with their posts, sharing their content, and engaging with their community before even suggesting a partnership.

This approach helped me build trust, and when we finally worked together, the influencer was more enthusiastic about promoting our brand. The key is to treat influencers as partners rather than just another marketing channel. When they feel valued and aligned with your brand’s vision, the authenticity shines through to their followers, resulting in greater engagement and visibility.

Jesse DekkersJesse Dekkers
Owner, Social Youth

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