How Can You Manage Time Efficiently When Traveling to Trade Shows?


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How Can You Manage Time Efficiently When Traveling to Trade Shows?

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How Can You Manage Time Efficiently When Traveling to Trade Shows?

Stepping off the plane and into the bustling world of trade shows requires strategic time management, a skill mastered by those at the helm of their fields. As shared by seasoned CEOs and founders, there are proven strategies that can make or break your trade show experience. Beginning with clustering activities during travel and wrapping up with the importance of always keeping a travel kit ready, the article distills thirteen invaluable insights. Dive in to discover how these experts turn travel chaos into a structured success.

  • Cluster Activities During Travel
  • Use Tools for Organization
  • Create a Detailed Itinerary
  • Map Out Priorities
  • Prioritize Networking
  • Aim for Key Contacts and Spontaneous Interactions
  • Carry a Focused Work Environment with You
  • Maintain a Strict Schedule
  • Review Your Schedule and Map
  • Focus on High-Value Tasks
  • Dedicate a Team in Advance
  • Check Bags at Trade Show
  • Keep a Travel Kit Ready

Cluster Activities During Travel

I like to cluster my activities during travel to and from trade shows, as I find that switching topics during travel to be disproportionately difficult. Heading to a trade show, I always try to do one thing: make sure all of my emails are current and that nothing is burning down my door, so I can focus on the show itself instead of trying to work while on-site.

On the way back from a show, I tend to try to organize the information I’ve learned, the contacts I’ve made, and the people and organizations I’m planning on reaching out to. Trying to do much more than these two things is counterproductive, in my experience, as travel makes splitting your focus that much harder.

Kate KandeferKate Kandefer
CEO, SEOwind

Use Tools for Organization

Managing my time efficiently during trade shows is essential to making the most of these opportunities. I try my best to stay organized by taking advantage of tools like Asana and Google Calendar because these platforms help me keep track of every detail, from booth-setup logistics to client meetings. By organizing tasks and deadlines in one place, I ensure nothing slips through the cracks. I also sync my calendar with my team so we’re all aligned on key activities, which minimizes confusion and last-minute changes. These tools are very helpful for streamlining communication, ensuring everyone knows their responsibilities, and enabling me to focus on high-value meetings and opportunities.

Another vital aspect is making sure I use downtime wisely. Whether I’m on a flight, in transit, or waiting for the trade show to open, I take advantage of these quiet moments to handle smaller but necessary tasks like responding to emails, reviewing meeting notes, or even prepping for presentations. It’s all about maximizing those pockets of time so I’m not overwhelmed during the event itself.

I always create a detailed schedule before each show too, breaking down my day hour by hour. This includes setting aside time for key client meetings, product demonstrations, and networking events. A well-planned schedule makes my life easier by helping me to remain flexible for impromptu opportunities that often arise at trade shows. By staying organized, using downtime efficiently, and having a clear schedule, I can manage my time effectively and get the most out of every show.

Michael A. MonetteMichael A. Monette
Founder, Office Furniture Plus

Create a Detailed Itinerary

One of my go-to strategies is creating a detailed itinerary before I even leave home. I outline not just the event schedule but also travel times, meal breaks, and even downtime to recharge. This way, I can make the most of every moment without feeling rushed.

I also prioritize using tech tools to stay organized. Apps like Google Calendar help me keep track of appointments, while note-taking apps ensure I jot down ideas or contacts I meet during the event. During travel, I take advantage of downtime, whether I’m in an airport or on a plane, to catch up on emails or plan social media content.

Networking is a huge part of trade shows, so I always build in time to connect with fellow entrepreneurs and potential collaborators. I find that even a quick coffee chat can lead to exciting opportunities. Finally, I make it a point to enjoy the journey, exploring local spots when I can. Balancing work and play keeps me inspired and ready for whatever comes next!

Danielle HuDanielle Hu
Founder, The Wanderlover

Map Out Priorities

As someone who regularly attends trade shows across the world, efficient time management is key. I map out my schedule ahead of time to identify which booths and meetings should be top priorities based on current projects and client needs. This focused approach ensures I accomplish key goals at the shows rather than wasting time.

While traveling to shows, I use the hours productively to prepare for meetings. The transit time becomes an extension of my workday. I review clients’ specific needs and our available resources to craft custom solutions.

At the shows themselves, I keep a strict schedule to visit target exhibitors and attend essential meetings and events. It’s easy to get distracted, but maintaining discipline is how I gain maximum value in limited time. I block off chunks of time for visiting booths, attending seminars, and networking. With 40+ years of experience, my team and I have a system to gather intel as efficiently as possible. Advance planning and results orientation are essential to maximizing trade-show productivity.

Albert BrennerAlbert Brenner
Co-Owner, Altraco

Prioritize Networking

I always treat travel days like regular workdays. It might sound odd, but I schedule calls, check emails, and catch up on tasks while in transit. Airports and flights are actually great for focused work—there are fewer distractions, and with a bit of planning, I can handle everything that doesn’t need me to be physically present.

Another key for me is prioritizing networking. Trade shows can be chaotic, and it’s easy to get caught up in trying to see everything. What I do instead is plan my meetings well in advance. I reach out to key contacts I want to meet during the show, set appointments, and block that time off in my schedule. That way, I know I’m focusing on the right connections without scrambling at the last minute. I also leave some flexibility in my schedule for unexpected opportunities—because sometimes the most valuable conversations are the ones you didn’t plan for.

After the show, I don’t let the follow-up pile up. On my return trip, I dedicate time to organizing notes, sending quick follow-up emails, and setting up next steps. It’s easier to handle while everything is still fresh in my mind, and it avoids that “post-trade-show overwhelm” where you come back to a full inbox and no time to digest what you learned. These small adjustments help me maximize my time and make sure I’m getting the most out of the experience without sacrificing productivity.

Gal CohenGal Cohen
Business Development Leader & Field Area Manager, JDM Sliding Doors

Aim for Key Contacts and Spontaneous Interactions

Efficient time management while traveling to trade shows requires a strategic blend of planning, focus, and adaptability. As a CEO deeply embedded in the photography industry, I’ve learned that preparation starts well before departure. Prioritize appointments and networking opportunities based on potential value and alignment with our brand vision. I schedule meetings with key contacts ahead of time, allowing slots for spontaneous interactions that can often lead to unexpected partnerships.

Also, organizing tasks into must-do and can-wait categories helps maintain productivity amidst the whirlwind of a trade show. Relying on a team that shares the same passion and values ensures operations at home continue smoothly, giving me peace of mind to focus entirely on the opportunities at hand. This approach doesn’t just streamline the travel experience; it enhances the potential for meaningful engagement and growth, ensuring Kate Backdrop remains ahead of the curve.

David ZhangDavid Zhang
CEO, Kate Backdrops

Carry a Focused Work Environment with You

Make your travel time productive by treating it as a mobile office. I’ve learned to use every minute efficiently, just like how we maximize the use of materials in our custom metal-tag production. Here’s a practical tip: use noise-canceling headphones and mobile hotspots to create a focused work environment wherever you are. I often use travel time to review designs for new products or analyze sales data from recent trade shows.

For instance, during a recent flight to an industry expo, I used the uninterrupted time to refine our pitch for a new line of heat-resistant nameplates. This preparation led to securing a major contract with a leading aircraft manufacturer at the show. I also use travel time for team check-ins via video calls. It’s like our remote quality-control process for industrial placards—staying connected ensures everything runs smoothly in my absence.

To avoid burnout, I balance work with relaxation. I’ll spend part of the journey brainstorming new engraving techniques and part of it reading industry publications or simply resting.

For me, efficient time management while traveling is like creating one of our serialized asset tags—it requires planning, precision, and the right tools. By turning travel time into productive time, you can ensure that attending trade shows enhances rather than disrupts your business operations.

David PrimroseDavid Primrose
President, Metal Marker Manufacturing

Maintain a Strict Schedule

As an experienced construction manager who has traveled extensively for work, efficient time management is key. While driving or flying to trade shows, I review the schedule and floor plans to determine my priorities. The travel time becomes an extension of my workday to prepare for meetings and refine talking points.

At the shows, I maintain a strict schedule, visiting my target exhibitors and key meetings. It’s easy to get distracted walking the busy show floors, but discipline and focus are crucial. For example, at a recent Las Vegas trade show, advanced planning allowed me to visit all my target suppliers and double-book meetings the first day. By day two, I had achieved my goals and could explore new opportunities.

Advance preparation and a results-driven approach are how I maximize limited time at trade shows. I start planning long before arriving on-site. With efficient time management, I accomplish in two days what some do in four. My advice is to go in with a clear plan of attack. Review schedules and maps, set daily priorities, and stick to them. The organized and focused will reap the greatest rewards.

Jimmy HertilienJimmy Hertilien
Senior Project Manager, Herts Roofing & Construction

Review Your Schedule and Map

As the fourth-generation President of Lee & Cates Glass, attending industry trade shows is crucial for staying on the cutting edge of trends in glass and building products. To maximize my time at events like the AIA Glass Expo, I map out which exhibitors and sessions are top priorities in advance. This focused approach ensures I connect with key partners and uncover new opportunities, rather than wasting time wandering the show floor.

While traveling to trade shows, I use my time productively to prepare for meetings and refine my sales pitch. The hours in transit become an extension of my workday. At the shows themselves, I maintain a strict schedule to visit target exhibitors and keynote speakers. It’s easy to get distracted by the bustle, but discipline is how I gain maximum value from limited time.

For example, at the 2014 AIA Glass Expo, advance planning allowed me to find innovative glass textures and tints that we soon incorporated into custom shower enclosures and storefront installations. Connecting with industry thought leaders also inspired ideas for more sustainable and energy-efficient glass products that ultimately boosted our revenue and reputation. Advance preparation and a results-driven mindset are essential to optimizing any trade show experience.

As the fourth-generation President of Lee & Cates Glass, I have attended hundreds of trade shows over the years. Advance preparation is key to maximizing my time. Before the show, I review the schedule and map to identify key exhibitors and events to attend. I block time for must-see vendors and ensure I build in buffer time for unexpected conversations.

While traveling, I use the time productively to prepare for meetings and refine my pitch. The hours in transit become an extension of the workday. During the show, I maintain a strict schedule visiting target booths and attending essential meetings. It’s easy to get distracted, but discipline ensures I achieve key objectives.

For example, at a recent AIA Glass Expo, advance planning allowed me to find an innovative bird-friendly glass that aligned with our sustainability goals. By blocking time to visit their booth, I was able to have an in-depth conversation that led to a valuable new product partnership. Advance preparation, focus, and strategic networking are how I gain value from the limited time at trade shows each year.

Thomas Lee IVThomas Lee IV
President, Lee & Cates Glass

Focus on High-Value Tasks

Maximize trade-show travel time by focusing on high-value, low-distraction tasks that prepare you for success at the event. At Deep Sentinel, we’ve developed a strategy to make our trade-show travel time incredibly productive. I always use the journey to immerse myself in our latest product data and market research. This ensures I’m fully prepared for any conversations or presentations at the show.

For example, before the recent Security Systems Expo, I used my flight to review our latest customer feedback and competitive analysis. This refresher proved invaluable during impromptu meetings with potential partners at the event. I was able to speak confidently about our product’s unique advantages, leading to two major-partnership discussions. We also use travel time for personal development. I encourage my team to listen to industry-specific podcasts or read relevant books during their journeys. This not only keeps us updated on industry trends but often sparks new ideas for our marketing strategies.

Another effective tactic is to use travel time for reflection and strategic planning. The relative quiet and lack of office distractions make it an ideal time to think big picture about our marketing direction. For me, the goal isn’t just to keep busy during travel, but to arrive at the trade show mentally prepared and strategically focused. The key takeaway is that by treating travel time as a valuable resource for preparation and reflection, you can significantly enhance your effectiveness at the trade show itself.

Tomasz BorysTomasz Borys
Senior VP of Marketing & Sales, Deep Sentinel

Dedicate a Team in Advance

At Alta Pest Control, we manage our time efficiently for trade shows by preparing everything weeks in advance. We start by deciding which activities or games will be best for engaging attendees, and we establish who will be working the event.

Additionally, we make sure we have a dedicated team for setup and take down, ensuring everything runs smoothly and everyone can focus on connecting with attendees. This thorough preparation allows us to make the most out of every trade show and present our company in the best light possible.

Faith RockFaith Rock
Marketing Specialist, Alta Pest Control

Check Bags at Trade Show

Many trade shows, especially in Europe, have airline bag check-in available at the trade show itself. You can check bags here and take public transport to the airport. It’s easy, cost-efficient, and better for the planet.

Be a road warrior—get ALL your work follow-ups/catch-ups done in transit so when you go home you can be with family who have missed you! It can be a bit hard when heading back, but it’s totally worth it.

Srijanani Bhaskar
Global Marketing Manager, DuPont

Keep a Travel Kit Ready

Efficient time management when traveling to trade shows is about preparation and discipline. I keep a travel kit with all essentials ready, allowing me to pack quickly and travel lightly. To ensure smooth arrivals, I always research the venue and logistics in advance. Also, scheduling meetings beforehand aligns my and clients’ calendars, maximizing on-site productivity.

Staying productive during transit is equally important. I handle emails and tasks from my smartphone and use travel time for journaling, reflecting on previous events, and refining strategies. Long trips are also an excellent opportunity to finish offline tasks I usually lack time for. Finally, and probably most importantly, maintaining disciplined sleep and nutrition routines is essential for staying energized and focused throughout the trip.

Sergei OrlovskijSergei Orlovskij
Customer Success Manager, Swag42

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