How Can You Avoid Posting Errors With Multiple Social Media Brand Accounts?


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How Can You Avoid Posting Errors With Multiple Social Media Brand Accounts?

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How Can You Avoid Posting Errors With Multiple Social Media Brand Accounts?

In the fast-paced world of social media, marketers from CEOs to Heads of Marketing are tasked with juggling multiple brand accounts without a hitch. From assigning individual account managers to developing brand-specific content calendars, discover the top nine strategies these professionals use to avoid posting errors. Dive into insights that begin with the importance of dedicated account management and end with the meticulous organization of content calendars.

  • Assign Individual Account Managers
  • Double-Check Before Publishing
  • Schedule Focused Brand Days
  • Establish Detailed Branding Guidelines
  • Implement Organized Scheduling and Labeling
  • Create Brand-Specific Avatars
  • Enforce Oversight and Accountability
  • Use Social Media Management Tools
  • Develop Brand-Specific Content Calendars

Assign Individual Account Managers

Sounds a little bit silly, but the most foolproof way I’ve seen this done with a company I knew was to give a different person on the team access to each individual brand account. That way, there is never a chance of crossed wires, since access is regulated to just a few people for each account without any crossover.

Not the most efficient way to do things, but it was exceedingly safe and allowed for greater accountability than managing via aggregator platforms like TweetDeck.

Kate KandeferKate Kandefer
CEO, SEOwind

Double-Check Before Publishing

Managing multiple brand accounts can feel like juggling, especially when you’re handling diverse content for different audiences.

I remember once, I accidentally posted a fun, casual tweet meant for a lifestyle brand on a more corporate account. The mix-up was caught quickly, but it was a close call.

Since then, I’ve adopted a strict process of double-checking account names and content drafts before hitting publish. It’s a simple habit, but it’s saved me from making similar mistakes and keeps each brand’s voice distinct and authentic.

Bhavik SarkhediBhavik Sarkhedi
CMO, Write Right

Schedule Focused Brand Days

I’d like to say there’s a silver bullet, but I like our team to dedicate time each week to reach out to brands and schedule posts across all channels. Each day, focus on a different brand. This allows for dedicated time per product and focus on what will drive results and helps eliminate posting on the wrong account.

Brandon MostBrandon Most
Head of Marketing, GoSearch

Establish Detailed Branding Guidelines

The more brand accounts a person manages, the higher the possibility of publishing errors or mix-ups. To avoid that, set up detailed branding guidelines for each social media account with fixed publishing dates. This means distinguishing the visual elements (color palettes, fonts), determining language style and tone of voice, and outlining core topics and themes that every social media account will be characterized by.

For example, on Facebook, your posts will address professional issues with accompanying visual elements featuring a green color scheme. Meanwhile, on Instagram, you’ll use a purple palette for lighter content, focusing more on engaging photos and videos. This way, you will ensure visual and thematic relevance and consistency for each account and no longer confuse content. 

In addition, for each month or quarter ahead, plan specific days on which you will publish content on each platform: Facebook on Mondays, Instagram on Tuesdays, TikTok on Wednesdays, etc. The days of the week become a guideline and a reminder of what and where to publish. Consider utilizing social media management tools to automate the posting process.

Nina PaczkaNina Paczka
Community Manager, MyPerfectResume

Implement Organized Scheduling and Labeling

To avoid posting errors with multiple brand accounts, use a social media management tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. These tools allow you to schedule posts, manage accounts in one place, and double-check content before it goes live. I can share my experience in this matter—one key tip is to label each account clearly and create a detailed posting schedule. This approach has helped me keep everything organized and error-free across different brand profiles.

Alina SamchenkoAlina Samchenko
COO, Content Manager, Hire Developers Biz

Create Brand-Specific Avatars

Balancing multiple brand accounts can be like spinning plates, but a quirky trick has saved us at Elementor. We created brand-specific avatars for our content approval system. Each avatar represents a different brand, and team members use these icons to double-check posts before they go live. This playful approach recently helped us avoid a costly mistake by making it crystal clear which brand was being represented. It’s a fun way to stay sharp and ensure every post hits the right note.

Itamar HaimItamar Haim
SEO Strategist, Elementor

Enforce Oversight and Accountability

As an agency owner, avoiding posting errors comes down to strict oversight and accountability. We implement strict schedules, guidelines, and tools to align messaging and prevent confusion across accounts.

For example, when promoting a product launch across platforms, we draft one announcement and tailor versions for each channel. The content managers each draft and double-check the posts for their assigned platforms before scheduling. We then have another team member review again to catch any errors.

Consistent guidelines, schedules, and tools make avoiding errors simple. An error-free multi-channel product promotion campaign resulted in a 35% sales increase and over 5,000 new leads for a client last quarter. Staying organized and consistent is key.

JC PoloniaJC Polonia
Founder, Digitality Marketing

Use Social Media Management Tools

As a social media marketer with over 10 years of experience managing multiple brand accounts, avoiding posting errors requires having solid processes and oversight in place. The most important thing is ensuring each account has a dedicated owner who is deeply familiar with that specific brand’s voice, aesthetics, and target audience. It’s crucial that no account sits orphaned without an owner.

I’ve found success by creating detailed creative briefs for each account that include guidelines on tone, messaging, visuals, and more. This helps keep content aligned and on-brand across the board. I also recommend using social media management tools with approval workflows, so that no post goes live without a review process. With multiple people involved, it’s vital to maintain clear communication through tools like Slack or Trello boards.

Ultimately, there’s no foolproof way to prevent the occasional mistake, but having accountability, guidelines, and oversight in place makes a world of difference. I always advise social teams to pause and recheck posts if anything gives them pause. It’s better to be safe than to have to clean up a preventable error!

Janelle WarnerJanelle Warner
Co-Director, Born Social

Develop Brand-Specific Content Calendars

Managing multiple brand accounts on social media requires a strategic approach to avoid posting errors. One of our key tactics is creating brand-specific content calendars. This allows us to tailor posts to each brand’s unique audience and voice—ensuring we maintain the right tone and messaging across all platforms. We also develop clear brand guidelines for each account—which serve as a comprehensive style guide for our team. This helps maintain consistency and reduces the chances of using the wrong tone or messaging for a particular brand.

To stay on top of our social media efforts, we conduct periodic audits of our processes and past posts. This regular review helps us spot any recurring issues or areas where we can improve. By implementing these strategies, we’ve significantly reduced the risk of errors and kept our brand messaging clear and on-point. It’s an ongoing process, but one that’s crucial for maintaining our professional image across all our social media accounts.

Tomasz BorysTomasz Borys
Senior of VP of Marketing & Sales, Deep Sentinel

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