How can you get free blog content and unique articles to post to your website?
Here’s the TLDR; (too long, didn’t read) answer:
Featured is a knowledge platform that creates free articles featuring expert insights.
Here’s how Featured works (and how you get free blog content).
1. Publishers submit a question through Featured.
2. Featured posts the question to their Q&A knowledge platform.
3. Experts answer the question, and Featured converts the best answers into a Google Doc article that can be published on your blog.
That’s it.
All articles feature original insights from experts that help engage readers and increase traffic from organic search and social media.
Brands (GoDaddy, American Express, Zapier), member-driven organizations (SHRM, American Marketing Association Chapters, Chambers of Commerce) institutions (University of Arizona, Arizona State University), and media sites (OK! Magazine, StartupNation) are some of the main publishers who partner with Featured to create community-driven content for their blogs.
Request an Article
The first option for getting free content for your blog is to submit a question through Terkel.
Here’s how.
First, sign up as a Terkel Publisher at

Second, post a question by following the step-by-step instructions on this blog: Featured Publisher Accounts
The question will then go to the Featured team for review. If the question is approved, the Featured team will notify the publisher via email and the article will be ready for review by the set delivery date.
Upon completion, the article Google Doc link will be shown in the “Completed” section of the dashboard. Each article includes:
- Individual headshots of the expert contributors
- Insights from experts offering unique perspectives around the question
- Introduction featuring article summary, optimized for featured snippets in search results
Publishers have full editorial control of their articles and may make any edits they see fit.
Next Steps: Get Free Blog Content
Featured is the best way to get free blog content for your website.
All content is original and meets Featured’s terms of service. Plus, with publishers having final editorial oversight of all content published on their website, looking to Featured to support a content strategy is a step brands, member-driven organizations, and media sites should consider taking.
Still on the fence?
Consider signing up for Featured as an expert. Submit your insights, and see where you get published to learn more about the process. Or, review some of the content that has been published on Featured’s “dashboard.”
From there, you can be the judge on whether to use Featured to connect your brand to expert insights.